Hey guys, during or after the game, don't run on the field. Or...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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TouchdownTony11 months
When they say stay off the field they mean it in Ttown. If security would go around just knocking everyone they could on their a$$ this would help the problem.
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TigerFan24411 months
Love how the phone goes flying first. LOL.
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cajunmud11 months
FYI: Several SWAT cops in California sued the owners of the wrong house that they raided cause the home owners shot them thinking it was a home invasion (it was). These Gestapo members WON!

So...this guy's got a big payday coming.

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cctiger6011 months
barney fife's highlight of his life
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lovinLSU11 months
That’s ole school football right there…and he didn’t even use his head…
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TheBiggestBrother11 months
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jmorr3411 months
Dude in blue "You got knocked the frick out"
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Harry Rex Vonner11 months
As an aside to the dipshit comments, the security guard is going to go to jail.
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SPEEDY11 months
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LSUCap11 months
Yeah and possibly a lawsuit. There is a difference between apprehending someone and a cheap shot.
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SwampyWaters11 months
Act stupid, get treated stupid!
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udtiger11 months
Any eligibility left?
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TerryDawg0311 months
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CallmeSteveo11 months
Sign em
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Bige1111 months
As I read these comments I come to the conclusion that we as a country are totally fricked.
Just so I understand….
Guy gets onto the field, gets caught, runs away from from security, and then when he gets hurts running from security he should sue….
Did I miss anything?
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ALhunter11 months
You missed the excessive force. If someone is walking on my lawn, I can’t tackle him or I’m going to jail. A little more leeway here, but security can’t purposely put people in the hospital or they face consequences.
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YStar11 months
Security guard needs a raise. The entitlement fans have that they should do as they want when they want but clutch pearls when the see the consequences is alarming.
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luciouslou11 months
That's targeting
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TDFreak11 months
Bama security guard was targeting. Checks out.
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caliegeaux11 months
And of course, not a flag in sight.
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tiggerfan02 202111 months
Nah. That was a clean shoulder to the mid-section. Perfect form tackle. I will allow it.
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luciouslou11 months
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Wolfhound4511 months
That moment in life when you realize you have made a very bad decision…
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coolpapaboze11 months
that dude is so fired.
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countrytiger6011 months
totally uncalled for. I would suer the shite out of them!
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GeauxTigers010711 months
Of course you would. You're soft.
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CajunBullet11 months
You won't have a problem finding a liberal ambulance chasing attorney. The country is full of the low lives.
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narddogg8111 months
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Mud_Bone11 months
Plus taunting....15 yards.
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