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He needs to meet with Weidel instead.

re: DOGE took my job. AMA

Posted by TerryDawg03 on 2/13/25 at 7:40 pm
Best of luck to you, and kudos for your attitude.

Something good will come along. :cheers:
I’ve been more and more impressed with Weiss since Trump took office. She’s sticking to objectivity from what I’ve seen. Liking it.
Worked the polls this past year.

Dominion machines run on Android OS.

It shows it when you boot them up.

Robert Rubin, Lawrence Summers, Timothy Geithner, Jacob Lew and Janet Yellen are former Treasury secretaries.

Surprise, surprise surprise!!!
Looking forward to these details. Unreal.

Without Elon, none of this would be coming to light.

re: Civil War

Posted by TerryDawg03 on 2/8/25 at 11:09 pm

I think the left will devolve to civil war before the truth REALLY comes out.

Biden said they'd need F-15s and nukes.

I'm still trying to figure out how something like this is even possible.

The bank does an appraisal. They don't take your word for it.

So the lender can always look the other way, but if someone wanted to try to defraud a lender, they could provide fraudulent financials on the C
He's had one since the Feds starting working with SpaceX.
Start with them violating their charter with QE. They should have never directly purchased MBS or anything beyond treasurys.

WW2 was a long time ago and is mostly irrelevant to today’s affairs. Why is it always brought up as if it was 20 years ago?

Loads of things from WW2 still apply today, and the horrible ones that don’t could easily resurface if we let them.
She reminds me of this mom from Parenthood

This is great. Still gets point across. Thanks! :cheers:
I have some overseas friends asking about headlines on the Dept of Education. They don't understand why we would want to dissolve it.

I've been searching and can't find a succinct graph or source that doesn't get into the weeds with line item budgets or test scores based on subject only. I think
Wasn’t sure if they were EINs and if the others were amounts.

Someone needs to build this out with the amounts and names next to them, assuming the EINs aren’t NPI or personal tax IDs. I’m not a fan of doxxing.

I hope he filled out his Beneficial Ownership forms. FinCen might be all over him