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It’s good to have a majority, but the fact that it’s anywhere close to 50/50 shows how F’d up our country is.

Pretty damn sad

re: Baseball TV Schedule

Posted by caliegeaux on 2/6/25 at 12:29 pm

Can't wait till we get our first thread of someone telling people to buy ESPN+ to watch SECN+.

just buy "call of duty", its a great game. :cheers:


Posted by caliegeaux on 2/6/25 at 10:39 am
Trump did a lot of things wrong in his first time as it relates to trusting people, announcing things etc.............like the Lord Jesus himself in his 2nd coming, he aint here to be a sacrificial lamb, he is here to run this country and with an eye of judgment.

We have to discuss Katt Williams cooking a Hector at his show.


re: USAID gave the WEF 68 million

Posted by caliegeaux on 2/5/25 at 4:39 pm
not for government bailout..........but with the money, our money, the government hands out and inflation, after we salvage all this insane corrupt spending, the tax payers should get a little break this tax season.

Maybe he should have had his agent prioritize a no-trade clause over some of the extra money he got.

i think you meant a no "slave" clause
i'm a little old school, so i used to think paying college players wasn't in anyone's best interest. but then you see the money coaches are getting, the schools, athletic depts etc, and the bulk of it from tv contracts and i realized, they are the product, so sure, why not get them a piece. i though

re: William Schmidt-fun fact

Posted by caliegeaux on 2/4/25 at 12:09 pm
hope he can't balk either
this is the guy who denied the NFL getting Ray Rice's tapes, right? Denied ever seeing them even though there was evidence it was dropped off there.

oh, you say well maybe HE didn't see them, and he's not liable. Didn't work for Sean Payton when Judge Goodell was overseeing that fiasco.

frick t
On the surface, they’re mad because OMB. Deep down they know the future is going to be better than the shitty diaper in chief we had the last 4 years.

He can’t, a President can only pardon federal crimes.

didn't know faucci and biden's bros were charged with federal crimes. glad to hear they were :rolleyes:

re: The Office of Kamala D Harris

Posted by caliegeaux on 1/31/25 at 1:24 pm

Wasnt there a whitehouse page for spanish speakers that redirects to a 404 page that has a single button on it that says:

Go Home


wood ruin another of her good work blouses

re: Oklahoma’s coach

Posted by caliegeaux on 1/31/25 at 6:24 am
I missed most of the game but when I did tune in it was right after they reviewed the play for the ejections. I found it kind of odd when the woman ref came to the mic and said “player 5 for LSU has been ejected” with a giggle and smile. I realize she was anticipating the booing that was gonna come
Sounds like about $6,500-$7,500 in rewards to me.
if there's grass on Mrs Fields, play ball!
If Frey or anyone else can provide some protection, and guys ahead of him get on, it could be a monstrous year for Bear.

Stacey Abrams: Republicans Are Making It ‘Safe to Discriminate Again’

i actually thought DEI did a good job of that, Mrs Quarter pounder with cheese.

re: 2001 stadium designs

Posted by caliegeaux on 1/30/25 at 5:18 am
Downtown Luling!! Off 310 bridge minutes from the airport.