Favorite team:LSU 
Location:South Louisiana
Interests:All things LSU, golf, drag racing
Number of Posts:9882
Registered on:10/22/2009
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[quote]highcotton2[/quote] :wha: Shut it down folks. We have our winner. Thanks for coming. Be safe driving home. Good night. ...
[quote]BabyTac[/quote] [quote]I’ve had sex with two current A list celebrities before they became famous. Both the OT would rate between 7-10.[/quote] [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?sp=114248323&s=2&p=114247649#114248323)]LINK[/link]...
[quote]I’ve never spent more than $20k on a vehicle and make $400k+/year[/quote] Just so you know, you are a well known liar on this site. So you can stop with shite like this. Nobody believes it. ...
Fried catfish...though some would call it the entree and jambalaya the side. To those people I say call it whatever makes you the happiest. I just think it goes best with a jambo....
[quote]Never understood the loud exhaust thing. [/quote] I can only speak for me but it's enjoying the unmuffled sound of a high compression cammed V8...the actual engine...that used to do it for me. It wasn't about trying to annoy anyone else. Just hearing what I built. Got out of it 20yrs ago. ...
:lol: I understand completely...
[quote]I like bowties or penne[/quote] I used to use bowtie but if there are leftovers the bowtie doesn't hold its shape. Just becomes a flat noodle. I use penne or rotini. [img]https://i.imgur.com/VLfccfr.jpg[/img]...
[quote]They're open on Alma. Food is great. [/quote] Ate lunch there yesterday. "Great" is a bit of a stretch but it was good. Had blackened red snapper. Flavor was nice but fish was way overcooked. Three weeks ago we went to Mr. Poboy off of MLK. Oyster poboy was outstanding....
I usually pass on a pastalaya if it has that noodle. There's so many better options....

re: Smothered pork chops

Posted by GeauxTigers0107 on 7/19/24 at 6:45 am
[quote]pork steaks[/quote] [quote]ragincajun03[/quote] Checks out. Lafayette folk love them some pork steak. [quote]pork steaks make a much better rice and gravy.[/quote] 100% agree. When the twin packs of butts go on sale I always get a whole butt sliced 1/4" thick for grillades an...
[quote]Kobe's dad die[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1M8L1zP.gif[/img]...

re: Seasoning your Charcoal

Posted by GeauxTigers0107 on 7/17/24 at 6:12 am
I guess you're getting the dv's because of the idea of seasoning the charcoal but I thought it was funny as hell. :lol:...
Haven't got around to trying Calvin's yet mainly because we have Rouse's chicken salad right down the street and it's really good. But I was down in Houma a couple of weeks ago and was told to go try Cajun Meat Market's chicken salad. I haven't bought Rouse's since. Holy crap it's so good. Next t...
Article should have started with, In one last attempt to capture his 5 minutes of fame......
[quote]No it wasn’t. Has there been some gouging? Probably But this isn’t a massive collusion as you’re implying.[/quote] Yes it was. See? I can throw a completely baseless opinion just like you....
[quote]Sailors used to bring manatees aboard and frick them because they never brought women.[/quote] How a person would know this is a conundrum in and of itself...
[quote] just can’t help but think back to a time when “men” were actually “men”. When they weren’t seeking a particular “office setting” because they were not lazy. There are men, whom, by some type of degree have inside jobs. Like a lawyer, doctor, insurance broker, salesman, etc. when you are jobl...
[quote] Louisiana[/quote] North? Central? South?...
I always get a chuckle out of the try-hards on here. You're no different....