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Location:2005 Tiger Smack Poster of the Year
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Registered on:12/14/2003
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[quote]OP should edit with this disclaimer… You will not find more context.[/quote] Do you really need a disclaimer for a thread referencing a tranny hooker’s twitter account?...
Dude was entertaining as frick ...
[quote]Dear god, don’t give them ideas.[/quote] Chris Rock has already suggested bullet control [embed]https://youtu.be/VZrFVtmRXrw?si=08hWyPMK8B8Ew0HB[/embed]...

re: First poll out: Trump +8 over Harris

Posted by SPEEDY on 7/22/24 at 10:33 am
The polls in the battleground states are what’s important ...
[quote]Have any of these details been confirmed by SS or FBI.[/quote] Thank you for that question. The secret service director will provide you that information as soon as their investigation is complete. ...
One thing this broad is good at is not answering any fricking questions :lol:...
[quote]This guy really thinks he's doing something rught now[/quote] She should simply answer, “criminals make the job of the secret service harder”...
[quote]The Dems are going all in on making this a gun control issue.[/quote] Ridiculous ...
Congress needs to pass a law that makes it illegal to shoot people ...
Those 2023 season stats are crazy In 3 appearances, including 2 starts he had the following stat line: 0-2, with a 351.0 ERA and a WHIP of 33.0 in 0.1 innings of work…that’s right, his ERA was THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ONE :lol: In that 0.1 inning of work he gave up: 14 runs, 13 which were e...
Did someone say death? [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/863G5tuSNLZWE/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952f4u5vi791xbne5n987t4odee5trwy7cz13etl5gy&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
I got $20 riding on Saban...
Republican leadership is always good for one thing…a strongly worded letter. ...

Was Biden just unburden by what has been?

Posted by SPEEDY on 7/21/24 at 1:34 pm
[quote]That was to be “Must Watch” TV![/quote] It would have been epic...