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re: ABC News - Greg Brooks Jr. speaks out about lawsuit vs LSU, recovery from brain surgery
Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:21 am to captdalton
Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:21 am to captdalton
We could sell pay per view subscriptions if it were your death and/or injury we were discussing here.
Sidewalk Tiger vs. Mike the Tiger in a cage match in Tigerland would be huge. Two Tigers enter, only one Tiger leaves. Everyone would love it. Well, almost everyone would love it.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:23 am to SidewalkTiger
Possibly but I haven't sank to your level yet
Go slather Brian Kelly's tiny nuts with your praise and tell him how much you are inspired by his continual inspired choices in relation to the lives of teen-aged boys under his care.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:28 am to OmegaXL
Go slather Brian Kelly's tiny nuts with your praise and tell him how much you are inspired by his continual inspired choices in relation to the lives of teen-aged boys under his care.
It's amazing to watch Bama fans try to out trash one another.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:31 am to captdalton
We could sell pay per view subscriptions if it were your death and/or injury we were discussing here.
Sidewalk Tiger vs. Mike the Tiger in a cage match in Tigerland would be huge. Two Tigers enter, only one Tiger leaves. Everyone would love it. Well, almost everyone would love it.
Mike the Tiger would need to be fully immunized beforehand.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:35 am to SidewalkTiger
It's amazing to watch Bama fans try to out trash one another.
Yuck it up, bitch, and keep diverting even the tiniest modicum of blame away from your heroes, 'dem Bengal Tiger's coaching staff and associated medical personnel of various stripes who used Brooks Jr. like a mule.
'Dat damn retard ain't doing nuffin' now but trying to get muh LSU Tigers riches and pot of gold and his family can smell the money.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:50 am to Temple of the Dog
Yeah we will see where this goes. U can't just assume that he wouldn't have had multiple seizures during surgery bc they believe the Dr was incompetent. They will have to file suit against olol at some point to have any chance of winning this and their entire grounds of their argument is based on their own speculation.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 1:36 am to OmegaXL
Brian Kelly's tiny nuts
One can only assume how u can make this kind of definitive statement regarding BKs anatomy.
This post was edited on 2/4/25 at 1:42 am
Posted on 2/4/25 at 3:31 am to TTsTowel
As a member of LSUs training staff, you probably shouldn’t be commenting
Only the OGs will get this, but I laughed hard.
I had the reply button ready but wanted to see if other people called him out on it.
Really bad look for him.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 3:33 am to ImayGoLesMiles
they believe the Dr was incompetent.
The family's lawsuit alleges the surgeon at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center who performed brain surgery on Brooks Jr. to try to remove the tumor was "not qualified to do this particular surgery."
a little more than "they believe the Dr was incompetent.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 5:58 am to OmegaXL
The words of a self-righteous simp white knighting for LSU coaching staff and personnel to deny any blame whatsoever for being complicit in turning a young man into a piece of quivering jelly are not only repugnant and vile but, unconscionable.
You are a degenerate sub-human.
This from someone who uses death, disease, and biblical misfortune to troll.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 6:00 am to SidewalkTiger
It's amazing to watch Bama fans try to out trash one another.
It's better than Jerry Springer.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 6:16 am to wadewilson
This from someone who uses death, disease, and biblical misfortune to troll.
little bit of hypocrisy there.

Posted on 2/4/25 at 8:26 am to Temple of the Dog
This whole situation sucks for both sides. Regardless of what Brian Kelly did or didn’t do, the LSU fan base went above and beyond to support Brooks after he was diagnosed. The kid already had the brain tumor and unfortunately had a few symptoms that I’m sure lots of football players get sometimes. as far as the surgeon, if it comes to light that they weren’t qualified(which I find hard to believe) then yeah they are due whatever is owed to them. Honestly, I can’t say for sure what I would do in that situation either if it happened to my kid. It’s clear Greg is going to need help financially thru his life, that now he will not be able to provide through his football. Praying for them as always. Heartbreaking.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 8:28 am to Tammany Tom
Yes, because my post was all about the joys of cancer. Grow a brain and some balls and quit being such a sensitive vag.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 8:29 am to Frac the world
Typical murderer behavior, why is Brooks Sr. Surprised?
Apparently Brian Kelly can cause brain tumors now.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 8:33 am to Imber
It's a proven fact that his jokes cause ear cancer and his grinding causes eye and butt cancer.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:22 pm to SidewalkTiger
This from someone who uses the death and injuries of others as a means to troll.
Surely you would never, ever do such a thing. You know, use someone’s death or injury to troll another school or fanbase. Maybe Alabama?
Oh ,wait, here is an entire thread you yourself started doing exactly that just to troll Alabama.
A Comprehensive List of Alabama Violence - by SidewalkTiger

What was that you were saying about trashy people? I couldn’t hear it over the roar of your hypocrisy.
Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:32 pm to captdalton
An Alabama fan killing someone over a football game is vastly different than an innocent person dying in an accident.
Apples to oranges.
Apples to oranges.

Posted on 2/4/25 at 12:51 pm to SidewalkTiger

We all already know you lack any self-awareness. You don’t have to prove it further.
This post was edited on 2/4/25 at 12:54 pm
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