Marshall Henderson hit two free throws to give Ole Miss a 63-61 win over Auburn. Then Henderson taunted a crowd that did not appreciate it. Too much?...

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Kracka144 months
That's awesome
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bulldogger144 months
Larry Leo's best post ever.
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Herman Frisco144 months
that corner of the gym is so full of F Y.
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BaylorTiger144 months
That's your other Top Left if anyone is wondering...
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Phathead144 months
Looks like someone tried to throw something looking like an umbrella at the top left, didn't reach him though.

Also, how about the black guy never changing emotion or moving an inch. Now that's poise.
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Run DMC144 months
This is awesome. I love pissing off other teams fans
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MasonTiger144 months
I think the old man is telling him "you can suck a d*ck."
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Martini144 months
Dear Gos, it's Ole Miss. They don't have a lot to brag about so I'll give em a pass.
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Why were no drinks thrown all over his face?
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blueridge144 months
Henderson is the kind of guy that forced Ole Miss to pretend that that stupid black bear is their school mascot. Wonder if his grandpa ever met a freedom rider?
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Toddy144 months
I would probably hate him if he didn't play for Ole Miss. lol
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lsutigersFTW144 months
Everything about that GIF is awesome. The old man standing up to yell at him, the security guard with the creepy as hell smile, pajama girl who falls down, gramps sitting to the left of the man who gets up, the dude who puts a lot of oomph into fliiping the middle finger. Everything!
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GeauxAggie972144 months
Bad Lip Reading: College Basketball Edition
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TenTex144 months
So Auburn let him leave the court without incident? Are there no taunting the fans penalties in college basketball?
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cody1mac144 months
Git em Gramps. Grandpa hates when whippersnappers be trippin
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markthetiger144 months
is that old guy saying "you are sexy"..?
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