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Location:Mason, Ohio
Interests:LSU Sports
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Registered on:1/31/2005
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[quote]Hated watching the new DARREN! Never seemed to gel with Samantha[/quote] That’s because Uncle Arthur was more his type. :lol: ...

re: Dr. Jill has a message for you

Posted by MasonTiger on 7/25/24 at 1:25 pm
Fück that babysitter (and not like Joe did back in the day)....

re: Carville = pure hate

Posted by MasonTiger on 7/25/24 at 12:28 pm
[quote]"I fantasize about how he's throwing sh** at walls and ketchups and plates. And screaming at Don Jr. and screaming at everybody. It makes me feel so good. It's a certain amount of peace that I get."[/quote] He’s just describing himself. Washed up old hack. :lol:...
[quote] this idiot [/quote] All that needed to be said....

re: The Dukes of MAGA

Posted by MasonTiger on 7/25/24 at 7:07 am
Hillary as Boss Hogg and Obama letting Melania out of a ticket. :lol:...
I don’t know about his face, but he sounds demented himself the way he’s fawning over Biden....

re: Is Rescue Me worth a binge?

Posted by MasonTiger on 7/24/24 at 5:16 pm
Wife and I enjoyed it when it originally aired. Been a while, so not sure how it ages. I’d say give it a shot and see what you think....
Always some soy cocksücker standing around filming things....
[quote]then shot himself after reporting his crime[/quote] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/00/77/9e/00779e5a7ed256a2318809b73a3cbcfc.gif[/img]...
Dumb raghead motherfücker not aware Alaska [i]is[/i] “our country?”...
[quote]FWIW - the house is on AL181, about a mile east of Fairhope.[/quote] Oh wow. I think I’ve driven that a couple of times. Never knew that....
Once the cash is in the right hands, BLMorons will fall in line....
[quote]Transgender man [/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/6snrrLwbiPIAAAAM/grimace-clint-eastwood.gif[/img]...
Sounds like some of the miserable people in my dad’s assisted living facility. He says there are some real characters there. He doesn’t engage them, just laughs at them and they go ape shite....

re: What’s Jill Biden going to do?

Posted by MasonTiger on 7/21/24 at 4:47 pm
[quote]She’s a doctor, she will probably go back to performing brain surgery. Signed, Whoopi Goldberg[/quote] Hopefully she starts with Whoopi’s tiny brain....
[quote]That’s a big difference between Joe then & Joe today.[/quote]Yeah, back then he fabricated his own corrupt self serving bullshït. ...
[quote]Sheila Jackson Lee has died[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/XywgsQ6PEWIAAAAM/survivor-smile-matt.gif[/img]...