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Registered on:6/14/2008
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Here’s something that nobody has brought up yet - this shite looks like it’s happening during the Super Bowl based on the TV in the back

So people just casually fighting it out for a Dorito loco taco during the Super Bowl
Well his name is Jeremy first off and I said the top 10 was solid but slightly interchangeable. He certainly qualifies to be top 10. Dude was incredible in that show and was incredible in that Apprentice movie.

Mahomes is lucky he got away,” Rocker wrote just hours after Mahomes’ post. “I would have Rocked him.”

Yeah this is totally how somebody talks who wants to beat somebody’s arse

frick outta here with this. shite is so manufactured but no one cares
I was at 30 and 34. The event of 30 was a blast. They sent the fans home happy, and we got cool history with Taker losing. Although driving back to Lafayette after I had to pull over at Port Allen for a minute because the rain was blinding.

As a wrestling fan I knew 34 was gonna be shite so for
That’s a pretty strong list. The top 10 could pretty much be a mix and match I probably would have flip-flopped Bryan Cranston and Julia Louis-Dreyfus otherwise no complaints
Driving home from an LSU game on Sunday morning from Baton Rouge I was doing about 85 on the basin bridge. Cop was posted up on the shoulder and after I buzzed by him I saw him light them up. It was an unusually heavy traffic morning so I started bobbing fast lane to slow lane not necessarily trying
12. I’ve always managed to make friends and be charming enough to get asked
In the season premiere of Friends after Ross says Rachel’s name at the altar instead of Emily’s in the finale, Ross is kinda searching for her, and his dad approaches him and says - “Boy that was a really bad time to say someone else’s name, eh Ross?”

re: Protest in Lafayette

Posted by lsutigersFTW on 2/8/25 at 2:49 am
They should post up about 50 yards down Kaliste Saloom from where they were and protest in front of Canes about prices being too high
Yeah I'm down, Rugby during the Olympics was a blast.
Eh, when history like a first ever 3-peat is on the line, I will likely always root for that.

Del Rio

Killed a top 3 biggest buck I have ever killed in my life there. You could see the hills of Mexico from the deer stand.
Have quite a few good memories of eating there as a kid. One time me and my mom stopped in before going to the movies and she told them that I just loved their pre-meal peanuts and they sent us home with a big to go box of them.
I would probably guess Brownsville. You're probably hot year round, you're in the path of hurricanes, and if you are Caucasian,you are no doubt in the overwhelming minority.

re: The Menu- Netflix

Posted by lsutigersFTW on 2/5/25 at 7:17 pm
I like when she wiped her mouth on the menu as she watched the place burn.
I’m looking for a competitive league, but I’m too lazy to drive to Denham

The sequel feels like it's been cranked out fast

I find that successful horror movies lately have just been getting a two-year turn around for a sequel. I know this holiday season Eli Roth is putting out Thanksgiving 2 and the first one just came out in 2023
That teaser leaning into the whole she was a gay icon thing makes me laugh