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Fresh off their title win, Georgia has a new opponent - PETA. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals fired off a letter to University of Georgia president, Jere Morehead this week asking the school to replace its iconic English bulldog, Uga X, with a human at sporting events...

PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman released a statement on the matter ... saying, "As the back-to-back national champion, can’t UGA find it in its heart to honestly examine the impact of its promotion of deformed dogs and call time on its outdated, live-animal mascot program?"

"PETA is calling on Jere Morehead to be a peach and replace poor Uga with a human mascot who can support the team in a winning way."
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Filed Under: Georgia Sports
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RolltidePA24 months
We should all have a life as pampered as UGA's.
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weremoose24 months
frick you, PETA
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CigarDawg24 months
Please Eat This A$$
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TerryDawg0324 months
People Eating Tasty Animals.
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Lithium24 months
UGA lives better than most people
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3rddownonthe824 months
First of all he isn’t locked up in Athens, he’s in his kennel in his home in Savannah. With his owners.
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CigarDawg24 months
The caption says "locked in" as in focused, not "locked Up". Reading is Fundamental
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Deacon Reds24 months
Liberal retards. That dawg lives much better than the homeless liberal PETA folks. They're jealous.
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lsuohiofan24 months
Just shut the hell up PETA. Why do these sites even bring this up?
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TigerCoon24 months
They should reply that they agree, and will have Uga put to sleep. That would make their heads explode.
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Clark1424 months
We’re not talking about starving, retired greyhounds here, this dog is living the life as best as his anatomy will allow.
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Rex Feral24 months
That dog has a better life than any of the purple haired fat girls who work for PETA. They're just trying to bring him down to their level.
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ExpoTiger24 months
PETA clearly doesn’t realize that no one gives a frick about their bullshite organization.
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kjntgr24 months
Well Mike no longer gets in his cage so apparently some people give a frick
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POTUS202424 months
This is why so many people despise PETA. Youtube filled with neglected animal videos. But they focus on a spoiled dog living better than any other canine in the country.
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brett40824 months
It is a dog that hangs out and lives better than most other dogs. Why does PETA hate dogs so much?

Maybe they should turn their attention on he Michigan Muslim city that just voted for sacrificing household pets to Allah.
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ShellAtTheBeach24 months
With millions of homeless animals in this country, there is zero reason to breed dogs, and particularly dogs whose faces are so severely deformed that they struggle just to breathe. Promoting the breeding and buying of bulldogs is shameful. And while I don't agree with forcing a dog to endure screaming crowds of strangers and all manner of other things that frighten them, if UGA insists on having a live dog mascot, they should at least have the decency to adopt and to encourage fans to do so as well.
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lsudave124 months
You have 2 posts and they are both responses to this article. You must work for PETA and I would like to give you a warm tigerdroppings welcome by inviting you to GFY
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Philzilla24 months
Don’t tell me what to do.
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POTUS202424 months
wow this is dumb
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caliegeaux24 months
What could/would PETA do if uga said go frick yourself?
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Spasweezy24 months
PETA can eat a dick.
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Le Tenia24 months
"..of its promotion of deformed dogs"? That's insensitive, PETA! More awareness and training is needed.
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gamecockman1224 months
PETA is such a freaking joke.
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NytroBud24 months
Yea...frick Peta
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