Favorite team:Georgia 
Number of Posts:4216
Registered on:6/4/2009
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[quote]What’s the point of this? Trump’s grandfather was a German draft dodger who came to the US as an (oh no!) immigrant and was a conman who dabbled in illegal gambling and prostitution. So what. [/quote] Talk about a hair trigger...Sorry boy, but the only thing that's gonna cure your TDS ...
And she'll still vote for Kamala because the MSM told her she is black...
So, in other words you're voting for Kamel toe...

re: This Patriot Woman gets it

Posted by NytroBud on 7/25/24 at 11:25 am
She could get it everyday and twice on Sunday...

re: Here's some polling data

Posted by NytroBud on 7/24/24 at 2:34 pm
[quote]do any of the polls take into consideration the ballot box stuffing that will occur? [/quote] All of them do...This is the Big Lie to convince everyone that Harris is ahead so they can drop the fake Ballots on election night...
[quote]She’s being sacrificed. They know they have lost and they are doing their best to save face with the crazy arse far left base that drives them[/quote] bullshite...they plan on cheating like mother frickers and winning with her....

re: What triggers your gout attack?

Posted by NytroBud on 7/23/24 at 12:43 pm
[quote]Is gout mostly a problem with larger people? It seems all of my overweight friends complain about it often.[/quote] No. I'm 5'11" and weigh 190 and i've had gout attacks since I was 30ish . Shell fish, beer and asparagus, are my main triggers. I went 6 years without a flare up until my wif...
Shold have eliminated the pot of boiling water. ...
How many times a day does someone call you an idiot?...

re: 2024 countdown thread

Posted by NytroBud on 7/22/24 at 2:05 pm
That's what I was referring to, I'm not seeing any pics. but you are the leading contributor....

re: 2024 countdown thread

Posted by NytroBud on 7/22/24 at 11:59 am
I dont think you've caught on to the actual point of doing this...
Bobs gonna stroke out...May be a good thing if he does...
They didnt want her in 2020...they really dont want her now...
[quote]What is going to happen is that Trump is going to support Ukraine and even if we get a ceasefire, we will pay for security...people will just blame Biden. I imagine even if an unrelated conflict emerges, and we step in, it will be excused b/c it will be blamed on Biden, too.[/quote] How...
Check the windshield/cab seal at the rear view mirror. On my truck, The primer separated from the steel and the pressure from the windshield bow opened up a gap. When it rained it would come in there and run across the inside of the head liner and run to the rear of the cab and soak everything. I wa...
Maybe less 40's more minding the grill would help...

re: Hotter women Ole Miss or Kansas?

Posted by NytroBud on 7/20/24 at 8:03 am
Kansas [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/2f/90/2d2f90522896c7a4314c38a1e8496c3c.jpg[/img] Ole Miss [img]https://tvshowstars.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/jessicagirod_38097182_598491830547955_3712569966885601280_n-1.jpg[/img]...