CBS Sports NFL sideline reporter Melanie Collins hit Monaco prior to the kickoff of the season...

"The cure for anything is salt water… sweat, tears or the sea."
(The Spun)
Filed Under: NFL
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LSUfanNkaty15 days
user avatar
All these women look the same to me. Their makeup wears makeup. Eyebrows always look drawn on with a King Size Sharpie.
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BostonJack1817 days
This post is from 3 years ago
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Vernonbrew2218 days
Like the honey reaper toes
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jeff7012119 days
She's cute
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bcoop19919 days
Looks good but her head is kinda big for her body.
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DrDenim19 days
How fuched is our world when even "sports journalists" are pulling this "look at me, I'm rich!" bullshite? That's all I need....some "reporter" trying to throw it in my face that they're just as overpaid and arrogant as the pieces of shite they cover. Bitch, get behind a typewriter and earn it! (Looks nice though, maybe she should switch careers and leave journalism to those with the soft bellies and the skin conditions)
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PeleofAnalytics19 days
Why are you angry with some some girl who makes a few thousand bucks by posting a picture of her vacation? She likely has an affiliated marketing deal with the NFL and they tell her to post these pictures so their name is associated with pretty women.
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Nix to Twillie19 days
He’s mad because he’s miserable and lonely. Any time you get the huffy puffy “muh look at me” finger wagging it comes from a place of insecurity and bitterness.
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Twincam19 days
To kickoff the NFL season..Picture is 163 weeks old
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lsu for the win20 days
That a dude?
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tigerfan580320 days
interesting way to let the entire site know you've never slept with a woman.
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lsu for the win19 days
Come on bro. She's not all that.
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BowDownToLSU19 days
Better go see a doctor I think you’re coming down with a tough of the gay
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Honey, you know what else is salty?
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cajunmud20 days
Try lots of pineapple juice...haha.
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Godfather120 days
Doesn’t look very melon-ie to me.
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Redbone20 days
and I enjoyed seeing her.
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robertgamb20 days
Needs a bigger rack
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robertgamb20 days
Needs a bigger rack
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Dingeaux20 days
pretty nice
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caleb0719 days
Monte Carlo?
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