Favorite team:Louisiana Tech 
Number of Posts:2715
Registered on:5/10/2019
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Definitely took the sting out of 1/4/2012 in the Superdome. Now with what Kelly has going it’s time to commence curbstomping the gumps every year in perpetuity, without exception. ...

re: Jonah Williams RPM

Posted by CrystalPreserves on 7/25/24 at 8:02 am
Chad Jones 2.0, with Honey Badger aggressiveness & ball skills...
It’s currently already treatable to the point that it won’t even register on an STD test and isn’t transmissible. A patient might technically have it but they can live life as if they don’t, basically, with whatever medication that have to take to remain that way. HiV isn’t the automatic death sente...
She’s aging hotter and hotter. I wonder what age she’ll start declining in hotness She made a deal with the devil or somethin. ...
My overall happiness has declined as I’ve gotten older and years have passed in my career. I know too much about the place now. I realize things about my job that didn’t even register on my radar 20 years ago. It’s a circus of clowns. ...
That’s on the governors though. They shoulda addressed the post game traffic situation 25 years ago. ...
Jaboree don’t even know wtf he doin. He just listening to kinfolk talk about Miami cause 30 years ago Miami had more than 120 fans in the stands for games. He goin down there and first off the food ain’t gonna have him right to play on gamedays and second he coulda won a chip at LSU. He listenin...
Jaboree knows they not gonna have the damn food in no Miami florida to keep him right so he can play. Antoine needs to stay right the hell here in the boot and win some chips and then go make his money in the NFL after he becomes an NCAA Champion ...
Can’t judge that until they’re done playing for LSU...
Kelly needs to sign three more consensus 5 stars or this class is just kinda meh, like your momma. ...
[quote]. Money, brand, early playing time, at a championship program with top facilities are all in Baton Rouge.[/quote] And we got the nicest lookin white girls too. ...
Just need him on the squad for this year til next year’s free agency market opens up and we can throw more dollars at him to play here. Forever LSU...
Sorry to hear that man. It’s a damn shame what a single mom can get away with and the amount of free shite from the government and all of the nonprofits established to exclusively help single moms. It’s down right criminal. ...
I don’t think that is gonna age well. This is the most polarized and hot political climate of my lifetime...
If he’s wanting to win championships and the Heisman and go #1 in the draft, he will have the talent around him at LSU, and will damn sure have a hell of an offensive line protecting him. ...
Just show me the depth chart in August. This is stupid ...
I avoid St George unless I absolutely have to go there, which is never. ...
Conservative middle aged white guy dad and grillmaster here. I get just as pissed. There’s nothing impressive about firecrackers. All you’re doing is making a damn mess everywhere and keeping hard working people from sleeping. ...
Keylan can go on go. We got so many chips and NFL first rounders coming. ...