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Registered on:9/26/2022
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Every wise arse conservative christian who has replied to your query uses Tarot to make decisions, they just call it something else while looking down their noses at things that are foreign to them...it's all the same bullshite. Now...phrenology.....you wanna know where crypto is going in the next...

re: Murph

Posted by DrDenim on 5/21/24 at 2:32 pm
[quote]20 sets of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats. [/quote] 20 sets 20 T.W.E.N.T.Y. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/1BFWiuPQzH4BTBLlNn/giphy.gif?cid=790b76116p89nh3291qwd9kfhd8osopwyh3qg07x99kmsf60&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2...
Yeah, the Greyskull world is very strange to me. I used to contribute to the message board quite a bit from last November until this March, but it was just me and a handful of other guys posting our training logs and it had a real ghost town feeling to it. So I lost interest, then I noticed JP and s...
How's your liver health? I ask because I recently re-read your thread on mushrooms and you mentioned how you used to drink pretty heavily, and even if you're a teetotaler now, or just drink less, your liver function may be impaired and the liver is responsible for making what is called "clotting fac...

re: Antonio Brown Declares Bankruptcy

Posted by DrDenim on 5/21/24 at 8:45 am
He's playing you all like a banjo. This dude is playing 7D chess inside a wormhole with Katt Williams as his OC and Terrence Howard as his DC, you'll never catch up to where he is. "Bankruptcy" That what they call it when you can print money by tweeting about bullshite....
No problem, man, Andy's stuff I will someday have to try as well. In my Spotify app I've saved episode #33 of his Baker Barbell Podcast, the title is "8/5/2 and the KSC Method for Powerbuilding". I've only listened to this one time, but it's informative and provides some background that is inter...
This is the first thing I watched 2 days ago that got me so amped about them. When lady cop with the pony tail comes in I was like....."arrest me bitch, I did it! :dude: :dude: :dude: [embed]https://youtu.be/D1NdGBldg3w?si=Dl3pgAGkM2vsa-6u[/embed] I wanna have the moves, if I keep it up I may ...

re: This Song F***s

Posted by DrDenim on 5/20/24 at 5:32 pm
That was wonderful, I'm gonna start walking around like that and see how it feels....
I've only read the original 5/3/1 book so I'm doing the OG program. I'm sure I'll get around to reading 5/3/1 Forever and Beyond 5/3/1 later this year. I know there's more variations of it, or versions, but I'm a simple man and I'd like to give this first version a try before moving on. [b]W1D1[/...

re: "Major League" Movie

Posted by DrDenim on 5/20/24 at 12:28 pm
"Are you tryin' to say Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?" is still one of the funniest lines I've ever heard in a film. That actor (Chelcie Ross - great character actor from OKC) just delivers the frick out his whole "way past his prime, stick up his arse" pitcher, but that line is his best of the m...

re: This Song F***s

Posted by DrDenim on 5/20/24 at 2:31 am
I notice that as well. If a group plays music that gets tagged with a genre label that ends in -core, they will have music videos that deploy the "MTV Sports camera", but in this case I think it probably has a lot to do with how every dude in that band looks to be about 40. Ya gotta sand off the rou...
That "How to Keep Your VW Alive" spiral bound is in the best condition I've ever seen for one that old. Those spiral bound ones go for decent money on ebay. The fact that it has a cover at all is impressive, it's legible and everything!...

Let's go N.O.V this Summer with 5/3/1!

Posted by DrDenim on 5/20/24 at 1:21 am
Who's with me? I know, I know, but it's Pool Season Dr. Denim.....well, yer not supposed to swim in yer jeans so I'm not doing that. I had planned to teach myself the Olympic Lifts and train them for 12 weeks, but I do not have the range of motion required to do that at this time, so I will ...
People who mind, don't matter, those that matter, don't mind....
Hmmm, I don't about that salad, dude. Personally I'd ditch the milk too, but we're all different, if it works for you.....do it. I don't believe I've ever poked my posting tool into the PUTTHEFORKDOWN thread, but I need to...diet needs to be my focus, so severely. I was going along nicely wit...

re: This Song F***s

Posted by DrDenim on 5/19/24 at 10:37 pm
It got me thinking about other songs that frick. The first one that came to mind was this wonderful cover by Type O Negative. [embed]https://youtu.be/uiKzKdLk-iQ?si=nTmm1ISW9ywQ_BmX[/embed]...

This Song F***s

Posted by DrDenim on 5/19/24 at 10:35 pm
[embed]https://youtu.be/D1NdGBldg3w?si=_Nfz0myQtFe96cgE[/embed] I was looking at ticket prices for Knotfest today on their site and while there I got distracted by a blog post about a group called Electric Callboy. Something compelled me to seek out their music on YT, the first thing that came up...
What's the difference between the "quicker" timeline and the longer one? I would think it comes down to how good you are at adhering to a deficit and how tolerable you find that. If you can stick to it and it's not torture just do it slower. I suck at cutting fat weight and I hate it, so I'm alw...

re: ECA stack

Posted by DrDenim on 5/19/24 at 1:06 pm
I think it works pretty damn good for appetite suppression in conjunction with caffeine. It's been years since I used this stack, and I haven't used the "A" (aspirin) part of the stack with the exception of one occasion. I never had any problems due to the aspirin, but my reading led me to decide th...

re: Mushroom supplements

Posted by DrDenim on 5/18/24 at 9:31 pm
I've always heard the shroom hunting in cow shite stories, but I've never seen it in person. We lease a large portion of our 50 acres to a neighbor that runs cattle so I've got a 25 acre piece of land that is littered with cow shite, but no mushrooms to be found that fit the profile of the mushrooms I...