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Location:What WAS St George, Louisiana
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Registered on:10/6/2006
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[quote]Kamala Was Made 'Rural Broadband Czar'[/quote] “No, she wasn’t.” - the Legacy Media...

Where the hell is Joe?

Posted by Godfather1 on 7/26/24 at 3:23 pm
Everything this week policy-wise has been Kamala, as if she’s already taken over. Have they just given up and stopped pretending?...
[quote]They wouldn’t let me do anything, gave me no reason and no number to call for more information.[/quote] Such bullshite. YOUR money, but you can’t access it....
[quote]Dori is cool and smart.[/quote] I second that. I’ve known Dori forever. One of the best service industry people in BR....
[quote]Upset over being refused Service at one of her favorite restaurants, McClanahan said she walked down the block to Zea Rotisserie & Bar where she received “several compliments” on her outfit [/quote] Ok, I’m calling bullshite here. 1. She didn’t walk down Jefferson to Towne Center. 2. ...
[quote]A Texas woman who was a civilian employee of the U.S. Army at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years in prison for stealing nearly $109 million from a youth development program for children of military families.[/quote] “When you steal $600 you can just disappear...
[quote]Is Walt T DB's cousin? [/quote] Walt is the typical man on the street. And you know how Carlin’s Law goes. I’ll just leave that there. :lol:...
[quote]EU giving Russian assets[/quote] Theft. And an act of war....
[quote]Unlike your pussy arse I can go into a lions den outnumbered.[/quote] :rotflmao: On an anonymous message board. Here’s your Medal of Honor, hero. [img]https://i.ibb.co/gZM49jH/IMG-1666.webp[/img] So brave. :rotflmao: Idiot. GTFO....
I said this yesterday. It was an unforced error and a Trump campaign wet dream. She’s painted herself into a corner with a large part of her radical base....
[quote]WaltTeevens[/quote] You’ve been getting bitch-slapped all day. Go back to the OT. You’re out of your depth here, Donny....
They failed, so now they have to minimize the attempt. It’s transparent as frick....
[quote]VOR[/quote] You used to be a semi-intelligent poster whom I disagreed with, but would at least hold rational discussion. Now you’re just a bitter propagandist old frick who shows up in threads to throw bombs and then runs away like a pussy....

re: Dr. Jill has a message for you

Posted by Godfather1 on 7/25/24 at 3:48 pm
[quote]She's got empty eyes like her husband. [/quote] Lacking a soul....

re: Dr. Jill has a message for you

Posted by Godfather1 on 7/25/24 at 3:41 pm
My message to Dr Jill: Win or lose, we’re at least rid of you. Now frick off, you vile old kunt....

re: Liberal Twitter Poll Backfires

Posted by Godfather1 on 7/25/24 at 3:19 pm
I do like the way Kamala is positioning herself as a prosecutor whereas Trump is a felon. Really gonna help her in the black community which doesn’t like her to begin with. Shrewd move....

re: Liberal Twitter Poll Backfires

Posted by Godfather1 on 7/25/24 at 3:17 pm
Those Assenstein Brothers are idiots....
[quote]WaltTeevens[/quote] I love it when clueless dumbasses from other boards wander over here and start posting like they’re all profound and shite....