A massive fight broke out at a youth basketball tournament in Missouri over the weekend...
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"As the two coaches left the facility, one coach allegedly made a threat to the other. The police were called and responded to the Sportsplex on behalf of an altercation. The subject making the threat was detained by police on the Sportsplex parking lot and taken into custody," police continued.

"It has been confirmed that there was no weapon inside the Sportsplex and no shots were fired inside or outside of the facility."
(The Spun)
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Mizz-SEC22 hours
This is why we can't have nice things. I wish these lawbreakers could be deported
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Da #1 Stunna1 day
Pathetic behavior and a horrid example.
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WhoDatNC1 day
Color me surprised. Poor kids.....
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SomeLSUguy4 days
The saddest part about this is the parents ruining it for the kids. While that nonsense is going on, the kids are still shooting around.. those kids just want to play ball. And its just as sad that they are numb to the behavior of the parents to the point that they don't even stop or get out of the way.

Side note: Was that a trans man-bear-pig I saw?
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Timeoday4 days
That kind loves their 9's!!
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CAD703X4 days
they be disrespeck
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The Torch4 days
Boy he showed them, now he gets to spend the next 25 years in jail. Tough Guy I Tell Ya
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wallowinit4 days
I love these tough guys talking smack while back peddling. If you came at he’d turn around and take off running.
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robertgamb4 days
Nice, parents not getting there way so by God I will just beat someone up till I get my way! How about the 40 year old in a letter jacket at the end of the video awesome good look bud, I walk around in a letter jacket!
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POTUS20244 days
Absolute stupidity for a kids basketball game.
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Let’s not jump to conclu——ok nevermind.
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SWAT4 days
Hood rats.
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HunterDawg4 days
Fine example for the kids. But it's nothing that they don't see at home regularly.
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tygerphan4 days
I love how the clock operator hit the buzzer near the end of the "brawl"
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Cleary Rebels4 days
I wonder if anything was done - like arrest - nah
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Respeck his decision.
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Epaminondas5 days
"Youth" basketball tournament.
Whenever they mention "youth" or "teens" you know what that means.
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PalletJack5 days
18/85, but it’s someone else’s fault
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LSUbacchus815 days
i bet its stinky in there
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atltiger64875 days
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