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[quote]Can we clarify and verify that this is true with a link? [/quote] Right, this is being presented as though it's set by the coaches. Is it really?...

re: Marcus Freeman Fact

Posted by ATLTiger on 9/12/24 at 9:57 am
[quote]Naw, he's a good coach and one day he's going to be a great coach. [/quote] What about him leads you to believe that he'll be a great coach?...
[quote]How are you defining dual threat vs pro-style? Black guy vs white guy?[/quote] I think Ian Book falls into a couple of the years of a dual threat starter, so I’ll say no....
[quote]Mr Right [/quote] [img]https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E12AQG861HUDkffQA/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1542682019412?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=v0OsAmfJbZ8Pso4EPAwD4TxZ6ycE827kX6ZPL6E8JIU[/img]...
Who votes on the MVP Ladder and how often is it updated?...
[quote]Gabe Northern legend [/quote] I randomly clicked on a possession where Gillyard had all the tackles. They better put some respect on his name when talking about #7...

re: Columbia weather report

Posted by ATLTiger on 9/10/24 at 9:58 am
[quote]That's our DBs in perfect conditions [/quote] :lol: :bow:...
[quote]Was a really weird situation with Campbell (assumed it was him because he made a comment about getting cuffed). One cop telling him to leave, the other cop not backing down and insisting on a license. [/quote] That was Jonnu Smith, another Dolphin. Calais Campbell came up to the scene f...
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w52aRG4lqU[/embed] Some Perk freshman highlights above. A couple things jump out: 1) he's an edge rusher or spy in 95% of these. That's seemingly his best role (as we've all pointed out for the past year+ lol) 2) he made plays against more than jus...
There's another police cam video that starts with Tyreek speeding past police and them starting their pursuit. He was speeding enough to warrant getting stopped, but I don't know about doing 100. ...
It only seemed like one cop was being a bit of a jackass. The one whose body cam footage is being shown says it’s Tyreek early in one of the videos and to me seems kinda chill....
Tryna get a [quote]Milticket[/quote] Uhhhhh - Percy Miller Colorado fan...

re: Jardin Gilbert

Posted by ATLTiger on 9/9/24 at 4:58 pm
[quote]That’s why Sage is moving over to Safety. He’s taking his spot now that Zy is back on the outside. The other safety will probably be a combo of Spears and Allen.[/quote] Gilbert's not done yet. Kelly said they'd play a rotation of 4-5 guys (I'd imagine in no particular order - Sage, Allen...

re: Still Time to Figure Out Run Game

Posted by ATLTiger on 9/9/24 at 3:14 pm
[quote]Clyde was also better than any back on our roster and it’s not close.[/quote] there was a time early in 2019 where some people were wondering if Clyde should be "the guy". true story....
GOAT for daily show/ non-special miniseries [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HgWCp79nzI[/embed]...
[quote]The GOAT [/quote] [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ah2I166f_U[/embed] ...

re: #8 Ju’Juwan Johnson

Posted by ATLTiger on 9/9/24 at 1:30 pm
[quote]Tredavious white was a qb, one of the best position changes we've made although it was known in HS [/quote] Yeah, but that was a no brainer "position change". He was a 5 star CB. Mo Claiborne was a HS QB/ athlete recruit whose position was a bit more up in the air (though putting him ...
I'd like Sage as a "cover nickel" kinda like how we used Daniel Francis way back when. I still really don't understand what his best position is though....
I'm still curious as to why Heard came to LSU in the first place. Campbell and Jones were just coming off being freshman starters and likely not getting beat out that quickly. What exactly was his plan if he was that insistent on playing tackle before they left? Did the coaches sell him on Emer...