Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:608
Registered on:10/24/2024
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Like, I don't know. Like, good question. So, like, do you, like, think, like, LSU basketball will, you know, like, ever be relevant again?
Make the season stop. There's no pulse.
Yea, this is important the first week of February. LSU "finna" eat. Deep thoughts here. A highly educated person you appear to be. Start worrying about, let's see...which jersey number the offensive lineman will wear this year.
And who awards him Grammys? The same Hollywood-cocaine-woke audience who "enjoys" that crap.
The NFL continues to fail in understanding who makes up their audience. Mainstreaming rap and wildly gay, woke themes don't excite the average American football fan. And now, everyone who watched-and I did not-are complaining. Quit watching. Unless you do, it will continue.

re: Underwood crap

Posted by HurricaneCamille on 2/10/25 at 10:46 am
Her writing is rock-bottom bad, but she thinks she is a professional. Dismiss her work.
Dude, it's not even Valentine's Day, and this is your life?

re: It’s over for McMahon

Posted by HurricaneCamille on 2/8/25 at 10:02 pm
I don't wish anything bad for MM. It's childish to behave that way, but this program is at rock-bottom. And may get worse in the coming weeks.
Fire him Sunday? It may be time.

re: It’s over for McMahon

Posted by HurricaneCamille on 2/8/25 at 9:51 pm
This may be it for MM. Would not be surprised if he was fired Sunday.
It doesn't. It reflects on Chest, and his immaturity.
Is it possible LSU and attorneys told Brian Kelly NOT to comment on the matter or contact Greg Brooks until the incident was concluded? Yes, that's what usually happens. BK was a victim of media-bashing because it is good for ratings.
This White woman is so stupid, it defies the imagination.
And a white girl came her defense in game brawl as Reese went to sit on the bench.
No thanks. I have grass to cut.