Georgia QB Stetson Bennett threw out the ceremonial first pitch at yesterday's Atlanta Braves game and he let it rip...
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Sarge22 months
He will be concussed in the NFL. Trash
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JackieTreehorn22 months
Ole Pube Head is a jackass.
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TKLSUMD22 months
Yeah. But was he drunk?
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BlueRunner22 months
I'm a huge UGA fan but Bennet is a frickin douche bag. So of frickin course dude is going to throw it as hard as he can. Hopefully him sitting on the bench and never playing in the NFL will humble him some, but I doubt it as you can't teach an old dawg new tricks.
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LSU FSU Grad22 months
He tries to hard.
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The_Joker22 months
He tries to hard what?
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spudz22 months
Why did the nerd have a glove for the occasion?
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roguetiger1522 months
What a loser
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CDawson22 months
Two natty rings and an anonymous poster on a fan board calls him a loser. Oh the irony...
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy22 months
He’s older than most of the baseball team
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Redhead5722 months
And will be the oldest one to get drafted later this month. Sure he won 2 championships but he has been out of high school 10 years almost. Bad when his own fans think he’s a prick like everyone else in the sec
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tirebiter22 months
He's a douche and out of the zone.
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The Torch22 months
Not near as impressive as the drunk he pulled in Dallas
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atltiger648722 months
he has a great story, but he comes off as a complete tool. I live in Atlanta, and I want to like him, but he makes it difficult.
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TerryDawg0322 months
I liked him until this second title. He really lost his humility after the second title.
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Dandy Chiggins22 months
Looks like my insurance agent
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patnuh22 months
Probably will be sooner than later.
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JumpingTheShark22 months
I like it. I am always shocked at how many people simply don’t know how to throw, let alone a baseball. I just don’t get how you can go through life without needing to know how to not throw like a bleeding pussy.
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Rex Feral22 months
Fewer kids play baseball and football. Baseball is too slow for the ADHD crowd and football is too dangerous.
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