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Biography:Non-Hyphenated American Capitalist
Occupation:Engineering, Inventing, Constructing
Number of Posts:16910
Registered on:12/7/2017
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Nothing will happen. The Repubs won't Trump to lose as bad as the filth....
Nothing we didn't already know, they just put it in writing. Nothing will happen to anyone. It was an attempted take down of a former President, everyone knows it, and no one will be held accountable....
[quote]These so-called Innocents voted for Hamas rule[/quote] Did they? I have also been led to believe 81 million Americans voted for Joe and the Ho. Elections ain't what they used to be....

re: Why do rich people support welfare?

Posted by CDawson on 9/16/24 at 1:52 pm
[quote]Why do rich people support welfare?[/quote] I think it is more about "rich businesses". For example, one of the biggest proponents of open borders and welfare is Wal-Mart. Why? Because many of these people take our tax dollars from the government and spend it there. It is self in...
The GOP doesn’t want Trump to win so why would they do that?...
Doesn’t matter, we will get who the ballot counters say. ...
Need to set the narrative now nd gas light so they can say we told you it would take a while. In the mean time they will be shredding Trump ballots and busing in and double scanning fake ballots. ...
Why just black Americans. Are you one of those people that only think black people were slaves? 12mm slaves were exported from Africa and only 400K ended up in the USA. The USA abolished slavery before much of the world. US slavery was no better or worse than all other forms of slavery so...

re: Poll: Will Trump be allowed to win?

Posted by CDawson on 9/13/24 at 12:36 pm
In a real election, he wins in a landslide. But, like 2020, the filth will never allow Trump to win....
[quote] the ones who are the best at bullshitting LSU’s purchasing dept and convincing them that they did a great job at a dirt cheap price and that the lights they put up[/quote] :lol: I wish you were right but the system installed at TS is the most expensive in the market. LSU spent way mo...
It was disappointing. So much more can be accomplished for fan experience with the lighting. For the amount of money LSU spent, they should demand a refund!!...

re: Generators at tailgate

Posted by CDawson on 9/7/24 at 9:11 am
[quote]I emailed beforehand to make sure it was okay.[/quote] You’re buttoned up way too tight if you actually did this! :lol:...

re: Vegas-Covid.

Posted by CDawson on 9/7/24 at 9:09 am
I’ve gotten sniffles or a cold at lots of places. ...
You’ll have a much more peaceful relaxing day without it. ...
Games at Ole Miss to make them relevant. Do you understand how impossible it is to keep Ole Miss in the top 15?...

re: Ohio Senate

Posted by CDawson on 9/7/24 at 8:53 am
Exactly, you cannot believe anything in the clown world. ...

re: Why is this race close?

Posted by CDawson on 9/5/24 at 5:41 pm
[quote]Dominion and Mail in Ballots[/quote] This is a reason along with harvesting and flat our stuffing ballot boxes. In a real paper election Trump wins just like Reagan did....
[quote]electing democrats[/quote] They are not elected. They are selected and put in power thru non voting processes. ...
[quote]If they lock away a presidential candidate that should be a road too far.[/quote] Haven’t been paying attention to the filth in this country I’m guessing?...
[quote]How do you feel about the government forcing a rape victim to give birth against their will?[/quote] Those that support abortion always find the .000001% of cases to base their moral authority. It’s pathetic. Let’s agree first that all abortion not from rape or incest is wrong then we ...