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Charles Kelly, a former assistant head coach under Nick Saban, is heading to Colorado to serve as Deion Sanders' defensive coordinator. Here were Saban's thoughts on the matter...

"I really appreciate Deion and Charles Kelly both in terms of trying to finish the right way," Saban said, per Mike Rodack. "I went through that experience when I left the Cleveland Browns to go to Michigan State as the head coach and we had four or five or six games left. I felt like I owed to the players, to coach Belichick and that Cleveland Browns organization to do the best job I could and stay focused on that. Charles has done a really good job of that."
(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Ikneauxnuffin26 months
They gonna find out the hard way what that A is gonna get em when Saban walks away.
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CDawson26 months
Charles Kelly is the number 1 recruiter. Funny how that A on your jacket and that budget and pay system makes that happen. A three legged dog would be a great recruiter at Bama.
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fat mike eats it26 months
You eat the cat food to make you sleepy
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TaderSalad26 months
I member my first beer too
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tucoco26 months
Tadersalad - me too because I spit it out immediately. :lol:
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MoarKilometers26 months
Apparently not many always sunny fans in this story.
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Toptigerfan8626 months
Saban makes the world a better place. He really does
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TouchdownTony26 months
Saban always trying to help a former asst. So many Saban disciples in the world. Kudos coach. You are gonna leave a legacy only rivaled by Bear, Rockne and Wilkinson.
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Timeoday26 months
Brian Kelly says HELLO.
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4LSUinSC26 months
Anyone else not care about what Saban has to say?
Geaux fighting tigers
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3down1026 months
If they exist, they won't open the link. The only people who will respond are others like you.
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TommyDaTiger26 months
Larry does, he listens very carefully but can’t talk with Nicky’s junk in his mouth. You’re killing your father Larry!!!!!!!!!!!
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Honest Tune26 months
He sure as hell had the whole LSU team checked out against Iowa in 05.
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ForLSU5626 months
"I" used six times...always about Nicky.
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LCL0826 months
Why wouldn't he use the word "I" since he is talking about his experiences. LSU fans are the dumbest people on earth!
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Lynxrufus201226 months
GAAAAAAAAAP- AFLAC! The Goat to the Quack
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