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:lol: Wow. JD Vance just got the entire Democrat Party to come out against the child tax credit and admit they're anti-family [link=(https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/07/26/kamala-harriss-campaign-attacks-jd-vance-supporting-child-tax-credit/)]Democrats oppose Child Tax Credit[/link] [e...
Yep, the guinea pigs are black and jew and the test is to hold the associated constituencies to, at the very least, remain relevant for 2026. The MSM 'bout to get extremely creative with definition....
That's right. She still gets paid by the WSJ!!...
[quote]I don’t want to believe Trump F’d up but I’m leaning that way more and more. I think Tulsi would have been the right pick.[/quote] The MSM and Youtube types were surely pushing Tulsi. She was on everywhere until POTUS Trump picked Vance. ...
[quote]Yeh, lots of dudes from 5’8” to 5’11” just like to say they are 6’.[/quote] Lots of dudes from 6' 5" to 6' 7" like to say they are 6' 3"....
Did Obama endorse her before or after she made this ridiculous statement?...
[quote]Exactly. I detest Sherman but will give him credit with his quote...."War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over."[/quote] Israel has a long history with a well known rule called the Samson Option. The name is a reference to the bibli...
[quote]What’s the point of this? Trump’s grandfather was a German draft dodger who came to the US as an (oh no!) immigrant and was a conman who dabbled in illegal gambling and prostitution.[/quote] Is that all you got? Did you hear about his Uncle who was a Professor at MIT? :lol: :lol: :rot...
Why should Bibi deal? I love the rule of war that says "You Come After Us We Will Annihilate You or Cease To Exist Trying"!! It prevents a lot of war....
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWRxeOZz5L0[/embed] [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB_gwYly8Ec)]SCAMALA Part II[/link] [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URUACoOtZ0c)]SCAMALA Part III[/link] :lol: :lol: There is no way she can continue without publically admitting she...
I agree she is either the sacrificial lamb with nothing to lose or guinea pig for testing democratic policy. They know they are done. Obama is trying to see if it is even relevant by "endorsing" her. Regardless, the black female voter must be retained for the party to have any significance at all...
[quote]that law itself would be unconstitutional. Checks & balances is the basis, not punitive.[/quote] Says who? The politician. :lol:...
As here honeymoon end they will then bring in the VP who will have a honeymoon. They will do whatever it takes to hold on to the 81,000,000 plus votes....

re: FBI is setting up a Trap for Trump!

Posted by Timeoday on 7/26/24 at 9:44 am
He should tell them to frig off. Make it a huge public frig off as well. The FBI is completely off of the rails....
[quote]The Supreme Court determines Constitutionality, ....[/quote] Yes, but then it would only take for just a couple of politicians to lose their seat, income, and pension for the rest of the scumbags to fall in line!!...
What a way to hold on to our liberties. Anytime an elected official who swears to uphold the constitution does not, that official can be quickly removed for signing into law an unconstitutional act. Can you even imagine the world we would live in if they feared Constutional law as well?...
'Frig the SOROS mouthpiece. POTUS Trump will lay low, let them completely expose themselves, and win in a landslide. Vivek should take his teeth to another country....
"Feet on one end and a pussy on the other." It works everytime when you let them know what they know....

re: Kamala says no to debate on Fox

Posted by Timeoday on 7/25/24 at 8:21 pm
They stole an election from us. POTUS Trump should just say "I do not need to debate Kamala. I have a supporter who wants to and her name is Tulsi." :lol:...
[quote]... 3 enemy bomber jets were just in Alaska[/quote] Two of our Bombers were turned away near Russia a few days ago. You listen to MSM don't you? :lol:...