On Saturday, a man attending a college football game was escorted by police out of the stadium with a bag over his head. Wonder what happened here...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: SEC Football
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Tickytiger11 months
A spitter? They usually swallow...
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BAMAneck11 months
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ncinthenext311 months
Don't spit at police. This is what happens when you do. I have seen it, not lived it.
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Kevin Faulkner11 months
Johnny Football
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TigerCoon11 months
that fat lady cop is confiscating his picnic lunch
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TaderSalad11 months
Ross been watching too many Yoda clips
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy11 months
Was it a TAMU or Bama fan?
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TheBiggestBrother11 months
That's got to be Willy T
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1911 months
Aggies have had enough of Looch's lies...TO THE GULAG!
(free with premium membership!)
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1911 months
Oh, and-
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soccerfüt11 months
That was the 11th Man. He’s gotten really tired about all the publicity the guy behind him has been getting.
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Sput11 months
He must have said something about how great pussy is
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RightWingTiger11 months
Thats a good one chief! I legit lol’d
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scrooster11 months
He is apparently a spitter.
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GruntbyAssociation11 months
Bingo. You spit, you get bagged.
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southernboisb11 months
Why does the link pic for this show a UGA helmet?
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BamaRoo11 months
Drunk spitting on cops ?
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Who won? My Google is down.
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That wasn't a bag, it was Ms. Terry's panties.
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Sebastian11 months
That was the ref who called the blindside block and hands to the face penalty on Bama. He deserved it.
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lsu for the win11 months
He definitely posts here.
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cctiger6011 months
most likely an elected official
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jvilardo11 months
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HarryBalzack11 months
Are aTm types carrying purses now?
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