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re: Trumps odds down to -145

Posted by GruntbyAssociation on 7/26/24 at 7:37 pm
[quote]Yea. I am already preparing myself. Country is lost.[/quote] She was picked and coronated. Now they will fix the election for her. Doesn’t mean I’m not voting for Trump....
[quote]Why am I strangely attracted to her? [/quote] She’s not smoking hot but she’s definitely good looking enough to pursue. ...
[quote]PJ's is my shite [/quote] My mom managed the first ever PJ’s uptown near Tulane. This was back in the early 80’s....
I like the flavor of the jalapeño sauce better but I like both....
I say a prayer everyday asking for a Trump win....
Obama not coming out and endorsing her is a smoke screen. She ain’t going anywhere, she was handpicked by Obama and those he works for....
Newsmax was reporting on this, Netanyahu supposed to be at the White House....
Expect no response or lies. ...

re: A God fearing woman.

Posted by GruntbyAssociation on 7/23/24 at 9:53 pm
Antichrist is going to be good looking. Neither obama or kamala fit the description....
Waters is a disgusting individual ...
So she’s copying Brittany....
[quote]Go check out the amazing grass on campus. I'm not kidding, it's the best grass I've ever seen[/quote] [quote]RidiculousHype[/quote] Checks out...
[quote]They're "children" of Goldwater Republicans, not Republicans themselves. They were already going to vote for whichever clown has a D next to their name.[/quote] Hippies living in a red state, so they say. But I am in the “this is fake” camp....
Kam el toe Dammit crimsonautide....
[quote]You can't possibly believe that. [/quote] While I agree with you 100% it’s what they’re gonna use try and push her over the top with cheating....
[quote]voter fraud will be rampant[/quote] They’re trying to create this illusion of excitement over the hoe. She will surpass him in mythical polls right before the election and they will try their damndest to steal it again. No one that works for a living votes for their idiotic policies....
[quote]Why would he go against the police when that is one of his strongest bases?[/quote] I didn’t see the video but I know, cops call it like it is on this stuff. Amber Guyger was a nice kid but she screwed up bad. Just one example....
Trump will call it as it is, he always has on these things....