The days of sitting out bowl games might be over for college football's best...

Bowl Season director Nick Carparelli said discussions have taken place to bring NIL collectives "in-house" and incorporate requirements for players to participate in a full regular season, bowl and CFP games as part of their compensation

(The Spun)
Filed Under: SEC Football
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Mouche3379 months
You really think a player who about to make millions of dollars in the NFL really cares if he has to pay a few Gs' back because he didn't fulfill a bowl game promise he made as a freshman? Good luck with that!
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CDawson9 months
The players that think they are more important than the team that helped get them to where they are a big problem in college football. Me me me me me is all they know how to say.
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Mouche3379 months
BS! First of all, college football has made it VERY clear that they don't care about the players so why should the players care for college football! I'm all for leaving everything out there for your teammates, but at the end of the day you have to do what's best for you because no one else (especially the NCAA) will!
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jbird79 months
@ Mouche337 you’re post is contradictory
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Gonna be a whole lot of injuries right before the game.
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Bucky_B9 months
But play how much? one series? they will figure out a way around it
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southernboisb9 months
But play how much?

As much as your coach tells you to play. The game STILL reflects on that season's results & your stats.
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Pas Bon9 months
How would this be enforced/regulated?
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epicopt1169 months
Easy....... if you get play... are you retarded?
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PeleofAnalytics9 months
Probably through some sort of CBA (will be a few inevitable steps down the path they have taken to being employees). When you sign a CBA, your employer (the school or conference) can regulate who you can sing NIL contracts with (Much like the NFL will not let current players sign with gambling companies). The SEC or BIG 10 or whatever will have standardized contracts that will void and create penalties if an athlete just quit midway through it. Maybe hold some payments in escrow which will be forfeited. Also if you sign a CBA and are an employee (instead of a pure student athlete), schools or conferences might now be able to restrict future transfers within the the SEC or BIG 10. The recent court rulings on transfers are really based on them being pure student athletes, not employees. Once you sign a CBA, you need to abide by that and whatever restrictions are agreed upon. The current NILs have the ability to set something up to make sure they play all the games but each of these collectives or companies don't want to be that first to do it because language like that could potentially run an athlete off to another school. Now the NIL people won't be the bad guy. It is because of the CBA and they have to put that language in there in order to be allowed to sign NIL deals with a SEC or BIG 10 athlete.
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southernboisb9 months
I never uderstood how you could OPT to play in a bowl game (as a player).
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CDawson9 months
Because the days of Coaching staffs being in charge of the team are over. Players run the show now just like kids run the schools. Parents are soft which means kids are as well.
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Mouche3379 months
Because, like playoffs in the NFL, you get paid additional money to play in playoffs games and championships! It should be the same way with NIL! What if you go to a school that never plays in a bowl game!? Then what!? Are you required to pay that NIL money back!? And what about the players that don't have NIL deals!? Are they required to play as well!? Players have to do what best for the players! Just like coaches and staff members who jump from school to school!
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mdomingue9 months
How would you force them to if they are not returning? The days of slavery are far in the past.
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Lakefront-Tiger9 months
This is the way
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ATLtigeaux9 months
Should have been that way from the start of NIL.
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