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Location:Flux Capacitor, Fluxing
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Registered on:11/5/2007
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re: Auburn - Are you ready?

Posted by 19 on 10/21/24 at 12:59 pm
Kentucky. :lol:...

re: Chips are down: Who gets left out?

Posted by 19 on 10/21/24 at 12:58 pm
[quote] Which would bring us to our is the SECCG worth it scenario[/quote] Is a natty without an SECCG title really a natty, or just sad gump-type shite?...
[quote]Neither belong, get out!! This is kinda fun. [/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/Q5JDMVaLgbMAAAAC/let-the-hate-flow-through-you-your-hate-has-made-you-powerful.gif[/img]...

re: Auburn fans are still worse than bevo fans

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 1:20 pm
[quote]10/19/2024[/quote] Uh Oh...

re: Mark Stoopid Lost His Superbowl

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 1:19 pm
Lookit Gatuh shite-talking! You GO, Baw....

re: “They Tried To Rob Us”

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 1:18 pm
Austin Pew-ers....

re: “They Tried To Rob Us”

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 1:17 pm
DPI is NOT a reviewable call. Period....

re: Vanderbilt is fricking ranked!

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 1:16 pm
...and Michigan isn't. :rotflmao:...

re: AP poll is out

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 1:14 pm
[quote]Some are busy defending the claim that Saban left DeBoer a mess.[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/9tO5eGiLX8MAAAAC/spurrier-no.gif[/img]...
Iron Bowl 2024: Special Olympics Edition...

re: “They Tried To Rob Us”

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 1:10 pm
Mark Richt/loss of control ...
Freeze will drop the sausage on Mike Shula, Jr. and order will have been restored....
[quote]They were also placed in the wrong division.[/quote] You shut your whore mouth...
[quote]A&M's been interested in the SEC for decades[/quote] After your first taste of TTD, no doubt. It's ok. It happens all the time. Hullah buh frickin loo....

re: AP and Coaches Polls are out

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 12:26 pm
[quote]14 Texas A&M 15 Alabama[/quote] [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Hy4jmf48QgKY-ukAkYaoYF_Jsts=/0x579:3069x2305/1050x591/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/65515749/usa_today_13538669.0.jpg[/img]...

re: Statement about the reversal

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 12:49 am
[quote]SECCG ban for Texass incoming...[/quote] Sodomites in Austin frick themselves live - TELEVISED!...

re: tOfficial SEC Power Rankings

Posted by 19 on 10/20/24 at 12:47 am
[quote]This will be downvoted by the tards but we all know UGA would be 7-10 pt favorites over LSU and Aggy on a neutral field right now[/quote] Copium suppositories? Nasty little cuss. ...
[quote]those of us who love d[/quote] Bruh is posting from an interstate rest stop past midnight on Saturday and shite....