On this day in 2007, Georgia beat Alabama on the road in an overtime thriller where Matthew Stafford connected on a 25-yard touchdown pass to Mikey Henderson to end the game. However, ESPN's Mike Patrick stole the show when he brought up Britney Spears mere seconds prior to the end of overtime, baffling his partner for the game, Todd Blackledge...
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GoldenDawg24 months
I was at that game, so I missed the 'Brittany' comment from Mike Patrick. I'm okay with that.
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HangmanPage124 months
I feel like someone from the network wanted to incorporate that, but no one cared.
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drexyl24 months
Really a missed opportunity to not make “Hit me baby one more time” part of the call there.
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Grateful Reb24 months
Absolutely fire comment lol
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jeffsdad24 months
Partner didn't bail him out, threw him an anchor.
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Mouth24 months
Mike Patrick is one of the greats.
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Rex Feral24 months
That was the first road game Larry Munson turned play calling over to Scott Howard. I miss Larry.
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TerryDawg0324 months
DGD. Nobody calls 'em like Munson.
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JackieTreehorn24 months
I can’t lie. I used to think about Brit quite a bit myself.
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roll to victory24 months
Blackledge is one of the few good commentators left. McDonough is Ok, but Mike Patrick was great.
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BowlJackson24 months
“What is Britney doing with her life?” - we’re even further away from an answer to this question than we were 15 yrs ago
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TigerFanatic9924 months
Holy shite Matthew Stafford.
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Black n Gold24 months
Equally strange was the quick transition from gamming winning TD to sign off.
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TerryDawg0324 months
Saban already working the network contracts.
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Skinny24 months
Britt is dancing around nude and posting it on a thing called Instagram. So mentally things are still the same 15 years later.
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Billy Mays24 months
Back when ESPN was good
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Datbayoubengal24 months
Lol this will always be iconic.
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Napoleon24 months
15 years later Brit is still in the news and no one cares about UGA outside of Georgia
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WorkinDawg24 months
I don’t know man. Current and defending National champ gets a lot of non Ga pub if no one cares. Stay salty my friend.
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ThatTahoeOverThere24 months
Im still worried about Brit Brit
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weremoose24 months
Yall laugh, but 15 years later - here we are talking about it.
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