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re: Lets Talk Politics

Posted on 2/20/16 at 9:07 pm to
Posted by 3nOut
Central Texas, TX
Member since Jan 2013
29123 posts
Posted on 2/20/16 at 9:07 pm to
I dunno if it's a 3 man race on Super Tuesday I think Cruz or Rubio stand a chance.

At this point I'm cruzing, but am fine with Trump blowing it all up in DC
Posted by finestfirst79
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Member since Nov 2012
11646 posts
Posted on 2/20/16 at 9:08 pm to
The Pope may have got the nomination for him. Strange times we're livin' in. Total Gasbag vs. Serial Liar. What to do?
Posted by Farmer1906
The Woodlands, TX
Member since Apr 2009
51031 posts
Posted on 2/20/16 at 9:51 pm to

Trump blowing it all up in DC

I don't see this happening at all.
Posted by Roger Klarvin
Member since Nov 2012
46626 posts
Posted on 2/20/16 at 10:00 pm to
I think Cruz is fading, he finished third in the most evangelical heavy state in the union.

With Jeb dropping out, Rubio should get a boost. I think people are underestimating how powerful the traditional republican base will be once they are all in on their guy.
Posted by Farmer1906
The Woodlands, TX
Member since Apr 2009
51031 posts
Posted on 2/20/16 at 10:16 pm to
With 99% reporting .1% (that is 1/10th of a percent) separate Rubio & Cruz.
Posted by Roger Klarvin
Member since Nov 2012
46626 posts
Posted on 2/20/16 at 10:28 pm to
But Cruz was supposed to finish second by a decent margin as late as Wednesday. Only in the last couple days did Rubio shift in front of him.
Posted by Farmer1906
The Woodlands, TX
Member since Apr 2009
51031 posts
Posted on 2/20/16 at 10:47 pm to

Only in the last couple days did Rubio shift in front of him.


I really want to see what Super Tuesday looks like Cruz v Rubio v Trump. Whoever finishes 3rd (cruz or rub) gets out and we have one last hope to beat Trump.
Posted by 3nOut
Central Texas, TX
Member since Jan 2013
29123 posts
Posted on 2/21/16 at 2:22 pm to

I don't see this happening at all.

One can hope.
Posted by Old Sarge
Dean of Admissions, LSU
Member since Jan 2012
55670 posts
Posted on 2/21/16 at 2:26 pm to

I think people are underestimating how powerful the traditional republican base will be once they are all in on their guy.

They already are......TRUMP
Posted by Farmer1906
The Woodlands, TX
Member since Apr 2009
51031 posts
Posted on 2/21/16 at 3:26 pm to

One can hope.

I wish Trump would, but he's going to make deals and go down as one of the most liberal Republicans of all time.
Posted by Dr RC
The Money Pit
Member since Aug 2011
58184 posts
Posted on 2/21/16 at 3:34 pm to


So yet another Civil Rights legend has decided to shite on their legacy by twisting the truth to sway votes for Hillary.

actress America Ferrera who also stumps for Hillary was happy to retweet

but since its the 2010s and everyone has a cell phone there is video which of course shows her claim to be false. Bernie supporters simply wanted a neutral translator.


hell, Susan Sarandon was there and linked the video

another celeb Gabby Hoffman was also there and tried to tell Ferrera it didnt happen but got no response.

Ferrera still has the fake story as her top tweet and while Huerta has been slowly walking back her claim neither have taken down the obvious BS tweets that were clearly meant to drive Hispanics away from Bernie.

Do they not realize this is the exactly the kind of stuff that makes people unable to trust Hillary? Do they not get that this will cause a significant chunk of the Dem base to stay home if she is the nominee?

She pulled this kind of crap in '08 and its once again become a pattern vs Bernie

1. the DNC data breach claims that Debbie Wasserman Shultz (HUGE Hillary shill) was happy to blame on the Sanders campaign even though the guy that did it was a person SHE recommended and ignoring the fact that the breach went both ways
2.John Lewis saying he never mete Bernie in the civil rights days insinuating he didn't actually fight for civil rights while acting like he met the Clintons during that era (when Hillary was a Goldwater/Rockefeller supporter lol)
3. Claire McCaskill (longtime supporter) insinuating he is a communist
4. Julian Castro (likely VP) claiming he hasn't been to Texas when he has had two large rallies in Dallas and Houston
5. insinuations that he would side against Israel when he is Jewish
6. Johnathan Capehart (his partner works for Clinton) trying to claim pictures of him leading a Civil Rights talk was not him

and of course now this where Huearta and Ferrera pretended the crowd was shouting English only at the caucus when in reality a person was calling for a neutral translator.

Its like these people don't realize we have this thing called the internet that lets you fact check instantly or that damn near everything is filmed now so the video WILL come out if you are making shite up.

Trump, Cruz, and their surrogates are doing the same shite and it drives me insane.

This post was edited on 2/21/16 at 3:35 pm
Posted by greenbastard
Parts Unkown
Member since Feb 2014
2740 posts
Posted on 2/21/16 at 6:20 pm to
Even if they did chant 'Spanish Only', nobody should take offense to it. As an Hispanic person who still uses Spanish at home and in business, I understand when and where the appropriate language should be used. And in a caucus, it's probably one of those times were English should be used. People like Dolores Huerta say that by doing English only, Spanish speaking people will get left out of the Democratic process. But what she fails to notice is that by having someone translate everything on stage is annoying (yes, even to me!), unproductive and time consuming for everyone involved.

Although Dolores Huerta has been a Union bully and a troll, this faux-outrage is the organizers' fault. I've been part of several events in which 35% of our audience spoke Spanish-only and 5% Vietnamese-only. What we did was put 4 translators (2 Spanish & 2 Vietnamese so they could alternate) in a room with microphones and then we used two Part 15 FM transmitters to broadcast their live translation in FM. We handed out little headsets pre-tuned at 87.9 FM for Spanish and 92.5 FM in Vietnamese to anyone who needed live translations. Everything always went on without problems and no time was wasted on stage waiting for someone to translate everything. If any of the non-english audience members had questions, we also had translators on stage that would translate the question instantly to the host to answer.

Looks like a huge fail by the Democrats and Dolores Huerta for not being proactive para su gente.

¡Ay, que pendeja!
Posted by 3nOut
Central Texas, TX
Member since Jan 2013
29123 posts
Posted on 2/22/16 at 8:15 am to

Looks like a huge fail by the Democrats

if the democrats nominate Hillary and she wins in the General, it will the the greatest failure by both parties to their constituents in a long time.

I sincerely see Bernie as a "career politician" but also as a man who hasn't sold out to washington and is still voting his conscience and heart. In the same way that he's pretty poor by politician standards, i applaud that, but also question his ability to understand economics and finances. no way a guy even being honest and not bought off in DC should have that low of a net worth.

all of that being said, he's being beat by a sexual predator enabler, proven liar, hypocrite, and a host of other things i don't even have names for. i don't know if it's just that the democratic party isn't quite ready for open socialism that Bernie espouses, or people just really believe in Hillary.
Posted by Cooter Davenport
Austin, TX
Member since Apr 2012
9006 posts
Posted on 2/22/16 at 12:36 pm to

also question his ability to understand economics and finances

His advocacy for socialism PROVES he doesn't understand economics.
Posted by cokebottleag
I’m a Santos Republican
Member since Aug 2011
24028 posts
Posted on 2/22/16 at 5:19 pm to

I wish Trump would, but he's going to make deals and go down as one of the most liberal Republicans of all time.

Would be hard to top Nixon and Bush 43.

Something that is taking shape is the transformation of terminology here. Liberal and conservative are getting supplanted by "Globalism and Nationalism."

I can't defend Trump anymore, partly for the reason that I don't know what a conservative is anymore. Bush Republicanism is what most 'conservative' people seem to want, that or Ted "Body of Christ" Cruz. I'm not evangelical, and I'm not a Neo-con Bushite, but I'd always called myself 'very conservative.'

The other reason being that I have Neo-Cons telling me how Trump is a liberal, and liberals calling him a far right fascist. I can't argue both ways.

Trump most closely resembles Andrew Jackson, more than any other president. The more I read about Jackson the more I like, and the more I realize the public school drive by narrative is built on the dual narrative of 'Trail of Tears' and 'states rights' which only require about 10 minutes of research to dispute whether Jackson was wrong in either case.

You will not convince me that after 8 years of terrible executive leadership, I need to save the nation by voting in another first term senator because 'he agrees with us.' Cruz and Rubio still have NO EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE. Deal breaker for me.
Posted by Iosh
Bureau of Interstellar Immigration
Member since Dec 2012
18941 posts
Posted on 2/22/16 at 6:46 pm to

Something that is taking shape is the transformation of terminology here. Liberal and conservative are getting supplanted by "Globalism and Nationalism."
I know you think this is getting smarter every time you say it but it isn't.

For starters you're weak-manning globalism by trying to unify economic globalization (i.e., free trade, migration) with neo-con style military imperialism while ignoring the fact that there's plenty of people who support the former and reject the latter, as a cursory comparison between WTO membership and our "coalition of the willing" illustrates.

In addition most of the hot zones we see today are not the result of "globalism" but individual nations waggling their dicks to establish and defend spheres of influence (which is classic nationalism).

Do tell me what revisionism your "10 minutes of research" turned up regarding the Treaty of New Echota, though. I could use some quality r/badhistory chuckles.
This post was edited on 2/22/16 at 6:50 pm
Posted by cardboardboxer
Member since Apr 2012
34358 posts
Posted on 2/22/16 at 6:50 pm to

Trump most closely resembles Andrew Jackson, more than any other president.

Exactly. I have been saying that for months. He is a modern Andrew Jackson.
Posted by greenbastard
Parts Unkown
Member since Feb 2014
2740 posts
Posted on 2/22/16 at 6:58 pm to

I can't defend Trump anymore, partly for the reason that I don't know what a conservative is anymore.

To be fair, there is no candidate out there that is truly conservative. They all want to use the government to achieve their goals, which goes against being a true conservative. It doesn't help that every Republican candidate seems to be riding the retard-wave of the extremist, uneducated far-right (which is not going to win moderates and level-headed conservatives like myself).

I don't want the government to expand its reach (Sanders). I don't like people who think they're above the government (Hillary). I don't want someone running the White House as if it were a church (Cruz). I don't want a guy who has flopped on literally everything he stands for (Trump). I don't want a guy who speaks like a robot (Rubio). The only guys I was willing to vote for are out, and the only one I could get behind may bow out any minute now (kasich)

Republicans could have easily won this had they all stood behind a candidate that isn't an extremist. Someone who doesn't talk about illegals as if they were all hard core criminals. Someone that would just accept the fact that the government should have no say in who should and should not get married. A candidate that acknowledges that African Americans still face many injustices and that not all Muslims are terrorist. We needed a candidate that was open minded and stood for all people, regardless of sex, religion, sexual orientation or race and just wanted to keep the federal government in-check. But instead they fell for the Palin-like extremists and we ended up with Trump and Cruz.

Posted by cardboardboxer
Member since Apr 2012
34358 posts
Posted on 2/22/16 at 7:26 pm to

Republicans could have easily won this had they all stood behind a candidate that isn't an extremist.

No offense, but to expect that is to ignore what happened to the Republican party during the Obama Presidency. It imploded in a way that greatly enabled the far right, from tea parties to "gun nuts" to allowing yourself to be defined as the side on the "wrong" side of gay rights. Ted Cruz in particular is a PERFECT amalgamation of the extreme ideas that thrived during the last seven years, and how the party "establishment" has fallen to the point where they can't steer the wheel.

Quite frankly, you have your "mainstream" candidate in Rubio. He is a perfect example of the neocon fabrication that has been put forth as "mainstream" Republicanism since the 1980s. He is just another Bush, or more likely just another Cheney (and I say that as someone who politically is very neocon personally and likes the idea of a New American Century enforced at the end of a rifle). Rubio is the droid you are looking for, the problem is the Republican base have digested toxic messages for too long (from a Fox News and a Rush happy to serve it up for a living) and can't stand someone the "average American" finds palatable. To real conservatives that is a good thing, as Cruz is more dedicated to the cause than any real conservative candiate in decades. He is authentic.

The only reason Crus isn't running away from everyone is Trump is tapping into something even bigger than modern conservative politics. Trump is speaking to an older generation or two that has seen incredible change in their life and now hate to be told the way they were raised to think is wrong. It is a more emotional call to arms than Cruz or Rush or O'Reilly make, or even know how to make. It is a backlash to everything that has been pushed by PC culture since the 90's, a rejection of guilt associated with the fear of a funny speaking global or next door neighbor in a now smaller world.

Honestly I have waited for this backlash for years. I thought it would center around language (some sort of movement to make English the official language to block out Spanish) but it seemed obvious that all the liberal victories in the cultural wars the last 20 years would have a cost. That cost is Donald Trump.

The good news is it all might be a calculated plan on his part and he might be Reagan 2.0. Probably not but maybe.
Posted by agalloch
Portland, OR
Member since Jun 2015
1647 posts
Posted on 2/22/16 at 8:07 pm to

No offense, but to expect that is to ignore what happened to the Republican party during the Obama Presidency. It imploded in a way that greatly enabled the far right, from tea parties to "gun nuts" to allowing yourself to be defined as the side on the "wrong" side of gay rights. Ted Cruz in particular is a PERFECT amalgamation of the extreme ideas that thrived during the last seven years, and how the party "establishment" has fallen to the point where they can't steer the wheel.

I absolutely agree. They've hitched themselves to the wrong wagons. I feel like Republicans could have gone much farther by banging on their own solutions to problems people give a shite about, like a rapidly-shrinking middle-class and aging infrastructure that Obama hasn't done a good job of fixing. Instead, they've allowed themselves to be a party largely revolving around xenophobia, Fox News soundbites, and shite-slinging. It's all based in fear. I'm willing to forgive some idiotic social policies as long as you give me solutions to problems that face me right this very moment, but ISIS, religion, and Mexicans aren't impeding me; my lack of buying-power, student loans, and rising rents are, and I'd like to think there are more than a few people in my situation.

Hell, they still may win, but only if Trump calms down. Even as a liberal who would never in a million years vote for any of the current GOP candidates, I can at least respect that he's not beholden to large donors like Hillary; he should be using that against absolutely everyone, and just knock it off with the racism. I don't have many other reasons to like him at all, though, and neither Cruz nor Rubio have a prayer against him. Rubio is too flaccid and Cruz is too fricking terrifying. This election was almost free to Repubs if they could get their shite together and not look like a clown show, but clearly that was too much to ask.
This post was edited on 2/22/16 at 8:49 pm
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