NFL Super Agent Drew Rasmussen took to X to show off a photo off his wife...
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(The Spun)
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LSU82BILL28 days
I was Drew's UPS driver back in the 90's, Never met him but I do remember delivering a package to his concierge from Bam Morris who had some drug trafficing issues at the time. Not sure why since Drew wasn't a criminal attorney.
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LSUtoBOOT28 days
As a super agent he obviously negotiated a great deal on her super titties. A marriage built on true love is so beautiful to see these days.
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HunterDawg30 days
One of these is not like the other
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SamGinn Cam30 days
Drew Rowengartner
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makersmark130 days
I feel bad that I knew the name was wrong. Wish agents were more invisible.
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Stinger_106630 days
Bunch a jealous fricks commenting in here.
user avatar
Rasmussen? Do you even know WTF you are doing Larry??
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JackieTreehorn30 days
True love is beautiful
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robertgamb30 days
Great rack that's what money will buy you a smoking hot chick with a huge awesome rack, because she ain't with him on how he looks or dresses nice black t-shirt. However he has a butt load of money.
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TheosDeddy30 days
Didn't Dan Bilzerian tap her when she was on a girls weekend away from Drew?
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Jabontik1 month
are they a bit lopsided?
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duckblind561 month
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world
It's a rich man's world
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HagaDaga1 month
A 20 yo difference is not a bad way to go. That broad has pushed out 4 kids. Not to shabby.
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eddieray1 month
Larry, you almost got his name right. You only misspelled it by 8 letters
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jlbasm1 month
Amazing what a pair of assets will get you
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brewdrees1 month
Definitely with him for the money
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Cleary Rebels1 month
Pocket personality and looks - LOL
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TigersJump1 month
A rich Jewish guy buying young pussy. Shocking.
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kywildcatfanone1 month
She's as fake as he is
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AgCoug1 month
I’m convinced Larry makes these mistakes just to drive comments.
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