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He's a democrat who starts off responses with, "as a three-time Trump voter" ...

If he's a Republican he's one of those NE Ivy League Rino types.


Not the same special counsel. This is a different office
That’s the code section the judge cited, isn’t it?

Let me see if I'm following your questioning here right. Granted I'm not 100% on what this position/dept is, so I'm assuming a bit here.

Is it possible this j

Y’all just let the North North.
They are cucking themselves.

Easier said than done when they move down south bringing this crap with them. May not be full militants, but they bring their "love is love" acceptance garbage and other sympathies. They may not be militant versions, but m

There must be some sane people in Worcester, MA that are tired of this bull shite?

Obviously not, since the council voted in the freaks favor. Obviously enough just don't care enough to at minimum reach out to them separately.

Any sole person trying to speak up in that meeting wou

re: Congress

Posted by HagaDaga on 2/13/25 at 7:55 am
They'll be taking a break soon to get refresh from all that hard work.
Thats a good song right there.

Judge McConnell also established a Diversity, Inclusion, and Racial Justice Committee in his court.

Looks like something Trump's team needs to come down on. If these radical judges can mettle in his business, then here's something that the executive branch can mettle in.
We were told by our best board legal scholars that these rulings were on the up and up legalese wise. No scrutiny needed. It's Constitutional. It perfectly went thru the judicial process. "Nothing to see here"

Australian Nurses threatens Israeli citizen on internet, gets recorded w/ instant karma

Apparently the female nurse is having ongoing panic attacks now.

I got the fix: Import more of them. Eventually this will be ok in Australia, and she will be ok. Simple.
Why can't there be more random MAGA bros with bellowing voices walking by yelling out at them.

DOJ files charges against Letitia James, Gov.Hochul and the State of New York

and DMV Commissioner Mark Schroeder.

I hope this stops States from giving illegals DLs. And then able to register to vote. We need Citizen vs Legal Resident vs Illegal (if going to be allowed)

The elimination of the CFPB will really cut into his fund raising abilities.

I know what usaid has been giving money too, but haven't caught what money does cfpb hand out? I thought it was just a place for grievances like a govt yelp


People on this board trust teenagers to help run the government.

you must be shocked to hear that teenagers are for more than just molesting

:lol: Well done :cheers:

Can someone explain how these rulings work? One judge can slap it down, but another judge of equal authority can overrule the injunction? Or is this a higher level judge reversing the initial ruling?

Common sense would have it being the next level up, in the same region. So NY, not C

To a degree. I do think the NY judge should be investigated due to questionable application of the law, questionable authority to make his ruling, and the questionable ties to USAID and his daughter.

Also add to see if he had any conversation with anyone prior to the case being filed

Just for clarification, are y'all saying the judges have legally overstepped their authority or that our current system of checks and balances should end?

What part of this should end or has been violated?

Let's start with the not shown arrow going to the Judicial Branch, where ca
[quote]I'm of the opinion that Bec has no insider information. Through that lens, it needs to be determined is he doing this to advance the cause of the president's agenda, or is he doing it in an effort to tank Patel's nomination?

We need answers to this, and when we get them it will likely let

Conservative Talk Radio

1) Rush Limbaugh
Huge Gap
2) Mark Levin
3) Sean Hannity

Huge Gap
4) Glenn Beck

You don't have to care for GB, but only a news radio neophyte would have these 2 goobers in the 2and3 spot.

It's like an old foogie saying they are in the conserv

I expect name calling, but I am really trying to honestly grasp a complex situation.

What you said is fine, but you are leaving out how the group being shipped out started a war, and lost. There's the cause/effect factor to FAFO.

They changed situation on Oct 7th, no ones fault,