The home of Los Angeles Lakers head coach J.J. Redick has been destroyed in the Southern California wildfires on Thursday...
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The NBA has decided to postpone Thursday night's Lakers vs. Hornets game, set to be played in Los Angeles.
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: NBA
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LSUbacchus8112 days
I can’t think of one reason to want to live in LA.
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cajunmud12 days
If you ain't living in a concrete & steel home in one of these fire prone least have a water tank, like a city water tank up on stilts, in your back yard and a sprinkler system to keep your house wet when the time comes.

Commiefornia would prolly outlaw it tho...for being unfair to those who couldn't afford it.
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POTUS202412 days
A mega-millionaire losing a home is like one of us losing a pair of shoes. He'll just get a new one. Probably already has some more.
user avatar
do you think poor people who can't afford a home have any sympathy for you when you complain at your first world problems at your house. or people in the midwest have sympathy for people who keep deciding to live in a hurricane prone area. shite happens to all kinds of people and it sucks.
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jeff7012112 days
Take a writing course.
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Privateer 200712 days
He's a woke piece of shite.
Glad he's suffering.
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DrSteveBrule12 days
you shouldn't put things like this into the universe
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cajunmud12 days
What you put out is what you get doc?
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BurrowToChase12 days
I can tell who is poor in this thread
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It sucks for sure, but I dont feel bad for millionaires losing mansions, while I'm busting my butt every day struggling to survive
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Well, make more money.
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cajunmud12 days
And that will continue, at least, until you have compassion for others.
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Hellmet12 days
Chuck seen leaving the scene with a torch…
user avatar
Im not praying for millionaires because their mansions burned down, sorry
user avatar
Im not praying for millionaires because their mansions burned down, sorry
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scottyd12 days
So because someone has a nicer thing than you a catastrophic loss isn’t worth prayers?
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POTUS202412 days
It's not really catastrophic for a mega-millionaire to lose a home, is it?
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Nix to Twillie12 days
You know people usually have things inside those homes? Important things, sentimental things..:who knows? Yes JJ Redick is rich. That doesn’t mean he and his family aren’t hurting. My folks did pretty well for themselves and they lost everything in Hurricane Harvey. It was devastating. They’re still recovering. But they’re rich, so frick em? Some of y’all are just, fundamentally, assholes.
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Cleary Rebels12 days
Larry Bird is arse!!!!!
user avatar
Thots n prayers for sure
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Tigers4Lyfe12 days
Horrible for all.
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