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Freedom, save democracy, feeding the poor, clean water, POC, racism, Nazis - same buzz words over and over - they can take those buzz words and shove them.
Trump wasn’t in the click - outsider - all your other boys were insiders and knew. Democrats or Republican. That’s why they didn’t want him around White House.
I told you what it said without looking - same BS I have been peddled my whole life. Buzz words.
He’s got my vote in a few years -
Bc they are behind it and biggest scandal to hit Washington since Watergate.
Let me guess without looking - freedom around the world, democracy, feeding the poor, clean water, racism, Nazi’s eliminated - buzz words to steal my damn money. Frick off.
On national news networks? Frick X. Put the mic in their face.
Oh, very telling. Probably waiting to see which way the wind blows like all good politicians. LOL

re: SDNY fricking with DOGE ALSO

Posted by Cleary Rebels on 2/8/25 at 10:21 am
Death Threat - people will get whacked
And let the 1/3 that vote Kamala pay theirs. Make them come after 80,000,000 people - good luck. They won’t have any funds to pay people to come after us. The Democrats boycott stores to get them to bend knee - we can boycott the government. When working people tell the system to operate without us

re: Best used car website

Posted by Cleary Rebels on 2/8/25 at 10:00 am
Copilot is pretty good - I use it all the time
They use them against you to try to gain favor - Racism, freedom, feeding poor, clean water, democracy around world, etc give me some more to call BS on from this point moving forward. Throw every damn politician out of office who knew about this and did nothing. Clean house.
I agree - money is all over the world hidden. They will come after Trump and associates but it will be their down fall bc people like me have had enough and all cards are in the table after all of this crap.
We joke about Hillary and all her friends suiciding but it ain’t a joke - LOL
Are you against freedom, democracy, feeding the poor, clean water in other countries? Small price to pay for all of that!!!!!! - the Left