Mississippi State softball player Brylie St. Clair has wrapped up her final fall season and has the feels, but don't ask her about it...

last fall season in the books, don’t ask me how I feel

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Strannix11 months
She looks 35
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MaroonNation11 months
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GatorPA8411 months
God can we just be done with this one…
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ExpoTiger11 months
Such a pretty girl. Wish she would learn what to do with make up. That shite looks like a prank.
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TooFyeToFly11 months
Agreed, the porn star make up is ridiculous for such a pretty girl.
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SoFla Tideroller11 months
Yep. She's got a rather prominent mole on her face that she trowels on the make-up to hide. Why not just visit a dermatologist and have it removed?
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Ponchy Tiger11 months
I have a older cousin who was a beautiful lady. Started caking on the makeup in the 70's when she was in HS and never learned that she didn't need to do that. Why some of these girls do this is beyond me. I really think it is from a low self esteem.
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bcoop19911 months
Like a screen door in a tornado for 11 seconds.
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JackieTreehorn11 months
Time to join the cavender twins in the professional whore industry.
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CDawson11 months
Good to know being attractive and posting some pics makes you a whore. Solid thinking.
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Chip8211 months
I saw her in person when Miss State played at Georgia last year. She is very petite and obviously didn't have a makeup session before playing. She also braids her hair like most SEC softball outfielders do. Wouldn't be surprised to see her move on to a modeling or acting career.
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Nomadic Bengal11 months
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Dingeaux11 months
girl has a beautiful body
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tiggerthetooth11 months
Too much shite on her face.
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Water Mocassin11 months
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RATeamWannabe11 months
Is she holding the bat backwards?
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grizzlylongcut11 months
No? She’s left handed
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LSU FSU Grad11 months
Feels like more tanner and lip filler? But I'd still like to "feel" it!
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