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Charles Barkley defended Hugh Freeze's shady past after Auburn hired him this week as their new head coach...

"One thing about being in the ‘Bible Belt,’ there’s a lot of people around here who think they’ve never made a mistake in their life,” Barkley said. "I never pay attention to that noise, and that’s what it is noise. Ain’t none of us perfect, but for some reason when you’re in the ‘Bible Belt,’ I saw a sign ‘Don’t judge anyone.’ They judge everyone.”
(The Spun)
Filed Under: Auburn Sports
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TommyDaTiger26 months
You’re killing your father Larry
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genuineLSUtiger26 months
Charles spitting truth as usual.
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redeye26 months
Is this why so many schools outside of the Bible Belt wanted to hire Hugh?
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jsmoove26 months
Give me a judgmental, hypocritical Christian over a self-serving sjw any day, and I haven't been religious in over 20 years. One is amazingly worse than the other.
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m2pro26 months

-a fellow heathen
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saint tiger22526 months
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oline526426 months
He’s not wrong.
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Dickses26 months
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Timeoday26 months
Yet one of the sins is related to gossip!!
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ThatTahoeOverThere26 months
Charles Barkley went to Epstein Island.
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Koolazzkat26 months
All Freeze has to do is beat Bama and all is forgiven.
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SmelvinRat26 months
Actually Chuck, the progressives screech "don't judge" and they hardly practice this. Little pot/kettle thang...
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DrSteveBrule26 months
Not wrong, religious people can be the most judgmental ones out there
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OweO26 months
Can be? They are. But if Freeze wins no one will care about his past. If he doesn't win. Then its going to be "they should have never hired him in the first place. He cheats on his wife with sex workers.. he is a horrible person".
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PeleofAnalytics26 months
Nonreligious as well. Watch the news. Take a stroll through twitter. People get labeled as nazis for the most mundane things. I mean putting an American flag in the front of your house is racist according to a lot of people.
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RandySavage26 months
Simp take
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TheRouxGuru26 months
‘Simp take’

Are you 13??
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AUjim26 months
It really is. I'd care a whole lot less if the dude wasn't running around sullying the name of the great JC.
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