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Registered on:5/29/2012
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re: Football Recruiting Thread

Posted by RandySavage on 9/11/24 at 7:31 pm
Hopefully you're right but your sauces are sus lately...
Not to hijack the thread but I just heard about these carbon soles today. The VKTRY are $100+ seems like a lot, how much of an advantage are they going to provide to help me knock off that last minute to go sub 20?...

re: Lotta angry leftists today

Posted by RandySavage on 9/11/24 at 5:07 pm
Good video but there were way more lies. Putin going to conquer Europe lol...

re: Football Recruiting Thread

Posted by RandySavage on 9/11/24 at 4:45 pm
[quote]Sooooo has he seen ND play? That's what's confusing about this to me. ND has a worst loss and No offense in both games but he's scared by US???[/quote] My guess is that Ole Miss is going to end up being the biggest contender, assuming Lane stays....

re: Football Recruiting Thread

Posted by RandySavage on 9/10/24 at 9:11 pm
Keef always brings it...
I tried to put a stack on us when the line first came out, luckily my guy never got back to me...
[quote]I would bet a majority of the players are more pissed at Thorne than the keyboard warriors of the AU message board. [/quote]d I can guarantee they aren't. With very few exceptions they are nothing but hired hands who only see Auburn as means to an end. If they are pissed it's because it hu...
You don't get the offensive inadequacy we've had without a lot of things going wrong. Everyone is culpable, Thorne and freeze are not clicking at all and it's on both of them prob equally...
Not disagreeing but if that's the predetermined side why have one option over there doing nothing...
It looks bad for sure but if you watch all aspects once Thorne realized 5 wasn't running a route he bailed and took off. If he had scanned back to the middle of the field we had a guy breaking wide open and he wasn't under pressure when he bailed. This isn't another bang on Thorne post but just anot...
Love that scoreboard and it's from a much better time. Will be a shame when it comes down soon for some monstrosity to have more ads and social media segments for the women, children, and gen z queers...

re: Arkansas, Auburn, Kentucky

Posted by RandySavage on 9/8/24 at 5:36 pm
Pretty much the way I've felt since the COVID year. [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNGU0cXNrb2g2cThpN2xuaG9sb2F2ZTdvYXpjNWJiMGE4ZGtpdjBwMCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB/giphy.webp[/img]...
[quote]Said a lot of what I did in the correct observations thread[/quote] Might be my favorite thread title ever on this board....

re: Football Recruiting Thread

Posted by RandySavage on 9/8/24 at 3:04 pm
So more back pedaling?...
So basically what we all can plainly see week in week out...
Are you serious? We have tons of portal kids...

re: Correct Observations

Posted by RandySavage on 9/8/24 at 11:26 am
The game wasn't nearly as close as the score, we were given one touchdown and they missed a 20 yard fg. It should have been closer to 24 7...