On a recent episode of Get Got Pod former Auburn legend Bo Jackson
revealed that he no longer watches football. Here's why...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Auburn Sports
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DeafVallyBatnR1 month
Refuses is a Big word Larry. In the context that you use it in the title. Now I would like you to find the audio of Bo saying he refuses to watch football
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lsu for the win1 month
Kyren Lacy is the worst with this. frick that POS. I’m glad he’s gone.
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MrKnowItAll1 month
Bo is a wise man.
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dpd9011 month
Somebody had to say it. Seems like the celebration is more important than the achievement to these clowns.
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Been watching clips online. Looks like a fantastic interview.
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robertgamb1 month
Awesome take Bo the players make a routine play like a tackle after a 2yd gain and they act like they've won the super bowl wtf!
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baytiger111 month
He loves hunting and fishing so he'd probably rather be in the woods than on a couch with cheetos. The man did what he had to do on the field and moved on with life.
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CDawson1 month
In other words, the "look at me" generation is not for Bo. He's not wrong, team has long been gone. It's all about the individual for the most part these days.
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HeadSlash1 month
He's right you know. One of the greatest athletes EVER
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dagrippa1 month
im with him on the dance contest comment
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YStar1 month
He seems bitter
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crossfire1 month
Met him once, complete dick. He’s just a contrarian who wants to complain and argue. I don’t care for him.
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bluedragon1 month
You don't know Bo. Bo earned his stripes .......You are still walking around in diapers.
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PeleofAnalytics1 month
Playing in the NFL means your opinion is beyond reproach from the unwashed masses?
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Sort of like you just did?
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bigDgator1 month
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SuperFanDan1 month
He isn't wrong
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bayoucook1 month
Was that suppose to make sense?
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Redhead571 month
It did not make sense
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Bo’s my age, we think alike.
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h0ll@yaboy1 month
Bo knows…
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Trumansfangs1 month
Bo knows hip-hop.
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