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The brooks case has no chance in hell to move forward

Possibly why the attorney is going to the press and stirring up shite to get money another way.

Russia didn’t do nuthin’. And people eat it up.

The average person is a moron and half of the population is even more moronic. Russian propagandists are among the best in the world learning under Soviet professional liars. They are masters of the retard mind.
[quote]His legacy will be entirely dependent upon if anything he does has any lasting power. If most of it is done by Executive Order or under general presidential direction, and nothing is codified in law it is just more of the same. It can all be undone as easily as it was done when the other team

Our politics on both sides have become FAR too focused on retribution against the other side than taking calculated, impactful actions

Agreed. I also believe had Trump been in office and Putin moved on Ukraine Trump would have done more to support Ukraine and the maga boys that ar
he knows Trump likes his arse kissed too
I wish we could go back to the days where we didn't know what every random person believes. There are so many clueless people out there it's disturbing.
people watch too much political clickbait bullshite online and brainwash themselves
there are idiots on here that want to say the Russian and Chinese governments are the good guys lol

edit : Go to the Ukraine thread. There are at least two on there.
this is not worth typing about. Also frick Landry.

$149, 000 Tahoe at 50%!?!

That's not even a thing

It casts doubt on the whole list.
eventually she has to go to prison...right? The race card won't work here.
Consistently posting pro-Russian propaganda. How many other places are you doing this?
zero chance I download or use anything relating to social media or AI and China or Russia
Why did you have to kill the lady you fricking piece of shite?
So much horseshite propaganda in a single post. What a culture.
What was he doing there? I'd ask anyone that did that weird salute why.