Nick Saban Apologized To ESPN Reporter Maria Taylor For Getting Testy With Her
Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports
After his team beat Louisville on Saturday Nick Saban got a little testy with ESPN reporter Maria Taylor when she asked a question about his QBs. Saban caught a lot of heat for the exchange. On Sunday, he apologized to Taylor...
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ByUselves74 months
Well, he monkeyed up that question, didn't he?
user avatar
SthGADawg74 months
she asked what he learned about the two seeing both of them play....fair question imho....he could have given the Kirby "i'll know more when I watch the tape" answer but nope...he was a dick...we all know TUA is the better of thw two but Jalen Hurts is no slouch and everybody is wondering what you do with a guy that has his record and has led the team to post season the past two is an interesting issue and the world wants to know whats going on in his mind...figure out how to skirt questions like this with class....its not going away...or say what Kirby also said....we are going to use the guy we think gives us the best chance to win and that may be situational.....
user avatar
Landmass74 months
Drew Bledsoe was benched for Tom Brady. I think the correct decision was made. You always play the best player otherwise it is not a "team" sport.
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Cobb Dawg74 months
Saban asked her to please lower her mic the next time she's interviewing him. The almost hit him in the nose.
user avatar
biglego74 months
I’ve listened to his exchange with her three times and I’m still trying to figure out the controversy.
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BoudreauxinGA74 months
That’s bc you are dense and cold hearted and probably enjoy being a dick yourself. Sabansessed
user avatar
habanos74 months
All ESPN does is try to start shite now.
user avatar
Havoc74 months
Some bullshite that any apology was deemed necessary. Goddamn liberals need to burn in Hell.
user avatar
BoudreauxinGA74 months
Racist much?
user avatar
biglego74 months
ZOMG BoudreauxinGA, he’s LITERALLY HITLER. You bitch.
user avatar
justustm274 months
There won't be room in he'll for Liberals. Conservative will take up all the space. Your history fits the hellbound list of evil deeds much better.
user avatar
Interweb Cowboy74 months
He apologized because Miss Terry told him to.
user avatar
lsuohiofan74 months
Want to bet she no longer will do a Bama game!
user avatar
habanos74 months
We can only hope.
user avatar
lsuohiofan74 months
I did not understand the apology. There was no need for it. They just kicked Louisville's butt. What doe the twit ask? Not about the game but to try to open a controversy!
user avatar
Placebeaux74 months
Racist plantation overseer
user avatar
Cadello74 months
As much as I dislike Saban, he had no reason to apologize. She was trying to start shite between 2 players because the media is famous for starting shite.
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edsimms200074 months
Yes he did have to apologize. She asked a simple question. He answered the question then made the remark. Saban isn't above being asked a question
user avatar
Cadello74 months
That question was loaded and you know it.
user avatar
BoudreauxinGA74 months
She was doing her job and he was manic and rude as frick, and everyone with a brain and manners knows it.
user avatar
Rouge74 months
He apologized because she is a black woman. The potential recruiting backlash was not worth the small knock to his ego.
user avatar
BoudreauxinGA74 months
Racist much?
user avatar
El Campo Tiger74 months
I think Nick was mad that a woman could be nine inches taller than him.
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White Flash74 months
meh. shouldn't have apologized. part of being a reporter. to hell with media figures thinking they're entitled to certain treatment.
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Robin Masters74 months
The only thing that bothers me is that Saban should have known that question was coming and had something prepared that was more appropriate. No need to hasten a heart attack just to prove a point. I think Maria knew she had to ask and that he would be a jerk so she was able to laugh it off.
user avatar
OTIS274 months
Nick is an a-hole. Not news.
user avatar
CAbamafan74 months
This outrage is culture is so stupid. It's not like he cursed her out. He just answered a question with some emotion. She didn't deserve an apology, and she probably wasn't even offended. But then she logs onto twitter and sees that everyone is telling her to be offended, and she plays along
user avatar
eddieray74 months
Did you see the interview? I kind of understand the point you’re getting at but in this case, the outrage started with Saban. For the question that was asked, he went from zero to next level ballistic right in front of her. It
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy74 months
10,000% supported
user avatar
Placebeaux74 months
I saw it and it was borderline abuse. If they were married it would be domestic violence
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eugene1928LSU74 months
So they say he did. How about the networks make our lives better and never interview him in the first place
user avatar
PhifeDogg74 months
Maria Taylor would get teste.
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