
Alabama head coach Nick Saban and Jackson State head coach Deion Sanders were guests on Wednesday's SportsCenter where they discussed the biggest challenges of NIL deals. During the interview, Saban made it clear he's on board with it, but thinks steps need to be taken to ensure a level playing field...

“I think a couple things are a concern," Saban said on the show. "We allow alumni through collectives to get involved in recruiting and other things — that’s something we’ve always guarded against in college football. I think what kind of competitive balance are we able to create if we allow that to happen — which is not going to be great for fans."
Sanders clapped back suggesting Jackson State isn't even close to being on a level playing field...

“First of all, we can’t compete,” Sanders said. “We don’t have collectives. We don’t have anything like that. We’re trying to rally up boosters and you talk about collectives? I don’t even know the definition of a collective. In its ‘name, image and likeness,’ I’m having kids that are getting compensated, but when you talk about name, image and likeness — I haven’t seen anything on any thing. We talk about these kids making millions of dollars — what are they on? Where is the name, image and the likeness, or is it just the collectives paying these kids to participate in this or that college?"
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Is that a gold whistle? Never change Deion.
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brass2mouth29 months
“Clapped back” is the journalist sign for being a moron.
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KAGTASTIC29 months
Maybe Deion can get a piece of the $20k his alum base just got gifed to them by the honky alums from major programs.
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BIGJLAW29 months
Good grief, The fake news of TD strikes again.
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atltiger648729 months
where the hell did "clapped back" come from?? It's silly and makes no sense. Stop using it.
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NPComb29 months
Stop saying clapped back, Larry. You are making a fool out of yourself.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy29 months
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northgate529 months
Larry, your father is rolling over in his urn right now.
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SUB29 months
Clapped back? Jesus Larry.
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brickyard29 months
Where was the Aflac duck and the Aflac cheerleaders??
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TouchdownTony29 months
Its Jackson State. NIL wasn't going to even things up for smaller schools. It was going to create a wider divide. Anybody with half a brain knew this.
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Eli Goldfinger29 months
College football as we knew it 1930-2020, is dead.
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WhoDatNC29 months
Deion does very well at playing to the cameras. What you see is not what you get behind the scenes.
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The Mick29 months
He brings a great point though.
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SECSolomonGrundy29 months
Clap back? Stfu larry.
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Strannix29 months
He's not wrong, it's just group funded contracts. This is a disastar.
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Vacherie Saint29 months
Sanders wears this role well. I used to think his takes were dumb. Then he became a coach and now I find myself agreeing with everything he says.
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