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Registered on:6/27/2012
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[quote]course they race swapped the main character to black! You know what they are trying to do! [/quote] That statement has nothing to do with politics though. I agree that is a common post we see in threads. But is that not an appropriate discussion of a movie or a show? Most films and sh...
[quote]Fog of War[/quote] Is awesome. What service has it available?...
[quote]has been 'pointed out' to death though to the point that it ruins threads[/quote] Yes. And its the same usual suspects going back and forth over the same shite. Both sides arguing in bad faith for pages and pages. ...
[quote]suggested last week there should be a thread dedicated to discussing Disney (or studios in general) and it's politics, to keep it from taking over every single thread about ANY Disney content, since they own about 40% of all media.[/quote] Good idea, imo....
[quote]simply “do not criticize Hollywood for ruining shite” and borderline victim blaming us as the audience. But whatever.[/quote] Yep. We are all guilty of wrongthink for calling a spade a spade and Ellen Page a woman....
[quote]as long as you dont incorrectly classify “social commentary” as “politics” i agree. [/quote] Great point....
[quote]when every Disney/Star Wars etc post is calling a movie woke or complaining about the race or gender of the cast it's exhausting.[/quote] That's Disney's fault. They have made some movies and shows that the overwhelming majority of fans hate. You cant expect those fans to not voice their o...
[quote]this board will die if these things cannot be discussed here. If we can't discuss a film's content, there's no reason to discuss a film[/quote] We can take politics out of film discussion when Hollywood takes politics out of film. Simple as that. ...

re: Rara Thomas arrested

Posted by SECSolomonGrundy on 7/26/24 at 8:36 am
Bulldogs are the new Criminoles...
[quote]. It becomes political when you start blaming the director for being a liberal loon and start talking about how all Democrats are pedos. [/quote] I think discussing the director and the themes they are inserting into films/shows is proper movie board discussion. I havent seen that slide in...
[quote]Physically the guys on korn ferry tour all the way to major winners are capable of burning courses down. The major winners are just so strong mentally, that the pressure of the moment doesn’t impact them at crunch time.[/quote] This is it. The korn ferry guys can murder the ball. They are ...
[quote]Whoever said this movie didn't push the climate change agenda wasn't telling the truth. It's there, though not much, but at least they don't come right out and shove it in the audience's face.[/quote] I think there is one line where the mom says we keep getting more and more tornadoes and ...
[quote]The futuristic United States of 2025 when the world has become a dystopia.[/quote] We've been watching the prequel for years now....
[quote]tony schiavone working at Starbucks[/quote] Damn....
[quote]you do something to make a cop need to retreat for his safety then start yelling biblical craziness you are bonafide retarded[/quote] If you think thats a reason to shoot someone in the head then you are a bonafide psychopath....
[quote]it only take 6 month to get promoted to PFC.[/quote] Takes less time than that to get demoted to PFC....

re: That Putting Stroke!

Posted by SECSolomonGrundy on 7/24/24 at 8:16 pm
[quote]putting stroke is absolutely the worst I've ever seen.[/quote] Go watch Will Zalatoris...
[quote]Ummmm Derrick Henry pretty easily[/quote] Yeah, not sure what i was thinking. In my mind i can still see Henry in the 27 jersey. And i have wacthed him a lot of years in the nfl with the 22. All those touchdowns he broke and i never remember anyone saying "the duece is loose" like they...
Who is the best player to wear #2 since David Palmer?...