The Notre Dame t-shirt that Adidas made in anticipation of the Irish winning January’s BCS National Championship Game over Alabama has hit the web. Just a reminder the Irish were destroyed by the Crimson Tide, 42-14.

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centexag06138 months
I'd love to have one with a TE'O signature...I'd put it next to my stuffed catfish I have on my wall...
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nycajun138 months
U"ND"ESERVING of being anywhere near the title game.
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blkssr138 months
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Drewbie138 months
More like undermined amirite gaiz?
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sharpSee138 months
Carson - I dont think you understand how it works.
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Ramblin Wreck138 months
I remember hearing someone on a sports radio show talking about visiting somewhere in South America and seeing lots of people wearing college tee shirts from US schools. He was surprised that people down there kept up with US college sports. It was then that he realized that they were all shirts declaring schools national champions that actually had lost the title games. He soon noticed a trend with other sports. The other radios host then said, "Wow, I bet they think that the Buffalo Bills were a dynasty."
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LSU-MNCBABY138 months
Someone get golic one
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beachbum139 months
Doesn't every team in the NCG have these shirts printed?
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Foolish cock139 months
UnDer a catholic priest
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Carson123987139 months
frick you psych
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Carson123987139 months
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BigRobHog139 months
Sweet! I should get one of these to go with my 18-0 Patriot superbowl shirt.
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LSUChamp06139 months
Notre Lame Football. The team of the past. Isn't it about time for them to join a conference?
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Crimson Legend139 months
Best in the Midwest, stepchild to the SEC Champs. 40 years ago, this would have been a runaway national title for the Irish.
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Alahunter139 months
That one was spotted in Pennsylvania. lol
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PsychTiger139 months
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LSU82BILL139 months
Undermanned against Bama
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Evolved Simian139 months
I'm guessing they're all in Sierra Leone. Honestly, it's not a bad looking shirt. Any idea where I can get one?
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Tiger022139 months
That's pretty cool actually..
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Bama Bird139 months
Not a bad design actually. I like them better than what Nike came up with
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