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When talking to USA Today, former ball coach Steve Spurrier suggested that Clemson could "slide right into" the SEC...

"When I coached at Duke, Clemson was actually like an SEC school in the ACC," Spurrier said. "That was before FSU, Syracuse and Virginia Tech (joined the ACC). When you played Clemson, they looked like SEC guys. Their defensive guys were a little bit bigger, a little bit faster," Spurrier said of Clemson's '80s teams. "They just lined up and tried to smash you. That was their style of offense.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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momentoftruth8726 months
He’s a quitting quitter
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weremoose26 months
Quitter McQuitterface
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LouisvilleKat26 months
They had Ostarine all the way back then?
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Fox McCloud26 months
No shite Sherlock
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jcolding4126 months
Is HBC subtly trolling Clemson fans? Throwing salt in the wound, knowing the SEC isn’t looking to expand?
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real turf fan26 months
That's going to make USCe alumni stick even more needles in their voodoo dolls with the visors.
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Godfather126 months
FSU syndrome. Bowden had numerous chances to join the SEC when they were an independent. When they finally did choose to align with a conference, they chose the ACC because they knew they could dominate rather than being middle of the pack.
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BumKnee26 months
So much for dominating the ACC…
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TouchdownTony26 months
I remember Bobby being interviewed and asked about joining the ACC instead and he said "well, I'm not stupid" They went like the first 4 years without even losing an ACC game. Not one.
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TerryDawg0326 months
He's not wrong.
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NEZ23826 months
Totally agree!
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