Favorite team:US Marine Corps 
Location:DeSantis Country
Interests:Your mom
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Registered on:10/22/2013
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Is this about me or Trump getting shot? Sorry you’re offended. Focus on Trump. ...
Hilarious all the bots who talk shite everyday are mad when I post :rotflmao: Interesting how Ron hasn’t spoke yet or made a tweet. ...

re: God bless President Trump

Posted by momentoftruth87 on 9/15/24 at 4:56 pm
Sad ppl downvoted op ...
Unfortunately ace is in Springfield ohio working at the moment ...
Hope Ron does. There is no room for this here in Florida. It makes me nervous fbi taking the lead. ...
Yeah there was no bias in that impeachment …...
Us on the right value weapon safety and our rights. ...
[quote]I just read the report, am I the only one thinking that SS snipers are the absolute worse in the world? Seriously, how is it possible that people keep getting shots off around a former president before they shoot first?[/quote] I doubt it’s full detail or fixed positions with snipers when ...
[quote]Look at Clyde. Making everyone laugh. Someone has to be the fool. Good job, Clyde.[/quote] It happened here in Florida. I’m not saying you are anyone here but there are a lot of crazy DeSantis supporters out there that want Trump gone just as bad as the left. The shite I see on Twitter...
[quote]There's a couple lefties over on the OT making light of it. They've gone over the edge[/quote] Not surprised. Quite sad ppl want him dead. ...
Not a good look for the left/swifties trying to go after him for his truth post then this happen :lol: [img]https://i.ibb.co/927q1N9/IMG-7988.jpg[/img] [url=https://dedupelist.com/]delete duplicates online[/url]...
Tim really needs to drop the beanie :lol: ...
Short for my user name that he can’t stop saying. ...
You’ve now said MOT 5 times in your last two posts :rotflmao: ...
[quote]Those people are the idiots gtfoh[/quote] Look at little David up above so mad that he said MOT multiple times in his post. They can’t help themselves ...
It was probably that loser who was posting the other day who said he didn’t get shot :lol: ...

re: $3.06 for a McD Sundae

Posted by momentoftruth87 on 9/15/24 at 2:35 pm
I feel ya and don’t know what outrages me more the cost or the fact idiots can’t complete a simple order ...