Jason Getz-USA TODAY Sports
Stadium College Football Insider Brett McMurphy published an article this week that lays out potential contingency options for the 2020 College Football season, as discussed with athletic directors around the country.

Some of the options include:

-Start the season in October or November, concluding in the spring semester.

-Spring football, anyone?

-Universities determine that students may not return to campus in the fall and must take online classes, but allow an exception for student-athletes to return to campus to compete in athletics.

-Cancel early-season non-conference games and play only conference opponents.
Do you have any ideas or suggestions for the upcoming season? Sound off in the comment section.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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Tridentds50 months
Get ready for some plan they float out that ends up with most football games being some type of pay per view. Ohhhh... it's coming. These teams cannot go without ticket sales and TV revenue. They have to offset ticket sales with more TV money. Existing TV contracts are not nearly enough to offset costs of football. Don't think they will play football this year as ridiculous as it sounds. Our nation has been hijacked by 15% of this country.
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Calvin Coolidge51 months
Tell China and the Democrats to put a lid on the virus.
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GaDawg997752 months
Just tell the democrats, Dr Fauci, Dr Brix, CDC, and the WHO to go frick themselves and play everything. As normal.
user avatar
catnip52 months
On November 4th everything will be fine.
user avatar
Mahootney53 months
Just tell the old people to stay home and kickoff like normal. This whole WuFlu response is wayyy overblown.
user avatar
chaso53 months
So what do you consider old because I promise you as you get older your definition WILL CHANGE.
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Drizzt53 months
We better play Texas. I just got season tickets dammit.
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ForeverEllisHugh53 months
Cancel the cupcakes, but games like Texas at LSU are too awesome to cancel.
user avatar
ForeverEllisHugh53 months
Cancel the cupcakes, but games like Texas at LSU are too awesome to cancel.
user avatar
MeatPants53 months
Just play the games without fans.
user avatar
UFMatt53 months
Play the games as scheduled?
user avatar
chaso53 months
Leave LSU as National Champions until we can continue play. Then show LSU's season over & over & over.
user avatar
catnip50 months
After 3 years we can claim 3 NC's because we haven't lost a game in 4 years. Nice.
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DoctorO53 months
Play one “warm-up” non conference game, then the conference games as scheduled, championship game, then playoff. But bowls. X ????
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TigerintheNO53 months
zero chance they go to conference games only- BYU, Notre Dame? No Army v Navy, not going to happen.
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BobABooey53 months
Let’s just have the “Eye Test Bowl” to crown a winner. Alabama vs. Clemson. One game for the whole enchilada.
user avatar
chimesstreet52 months
But Ohio State is the most complete team.
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Cobb Dawg53 months
I’ve thought about this. I think the only solution is to play conference games only.
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southernboisb53 months
Sorry, Ga.'s not skipping the annual COFH rivalry with the GnaTs.
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imjustafatkid53 months
Some moron tried to tell me this wouldn't affect football because they don't need spring practices. He's going to be so disappointed.
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610man53 months
Yes, it' fricking early April, wait at least, at least until May to make a decision.
user avatar
Che Boludo53 months
New Years Day kickoff classic. Spring football. May bowl games open up venues all over the country. Memorial Day 6 games. Baseball goes Summer into Fall with a Thanksgiving week championship in cold/snowy Omaha or bump it to AZ, SoCal, or FL. Basketball plays Fall into winter with December/Holiday Madness over Christmas. Then right back into New Year's Kickoff and football. Much better alignment. Bottom line is that there will be no other college sports played unless football revenue is generated. Shut it down and start sports back on New Years Eve.
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cypressbrake353 months
I've thought about this. Defending champion LSU gets an automatic bye into a national championship game. Clemson-Alabama play for the right to play LSU for the natty. As defending champion, LSU is granted a 28 point lead to start the championship game. Sounds fair to me.
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