Greg M. Cooper-USA TODAY Sports
Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney made headlines on Tuesday by throwing some shade at Alabama, South Carolina and most teams on the Crimson Tide's schedule last season...

Swinney was asked by 247Sports this week about The Citadel's 27-24 overtime win vs. Wake Forest in week 3 and said that the Bulldogs were Alabama's toughest opponent in 2018 before facing Georgia in the SEC Championship.

He also added that the Citadel beat South Carolina...

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The Citadel beat South Carolina back in 2015, the year that Steve Spurrier retired during the season.

And as far as The Citadel vs. Alabama, it sounds like Swinney is trying to say that The Bulldogs were a tougher opponent for Crimson Tide than Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas A&M, LSU, Mississippi State, and Auburn... which doesn't make a lot of sense.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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Morris165 months
It 10-10 Bama and Citadel at the half. Was anyone else that close?
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gamecockman1265 months
Dabo is a clown.
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TigerTalker1665 months
Hey says this with Clemson’s schedule? Lmao
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imjustafatkid65 months
Doing everything he can to pretend the ACC is comparable to the SEC.
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TailbackU65 months
Funny to watch Bama get trolled by Dabo
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imjustafatkid65 months
His comment here seems more pointed toward the rest of the SEC than toward Bama.
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He is going to regret it if Alabama plays them again.
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cyclingout65 months
There's a big difference in telling the truth and throwing shade
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MIZ_COU65 months
which is why the headline says throwing shade
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Icoachfb65 months
The hack that wrote it post the quote under his story but gets the team wrong and Dabo said probably. He did not include that either. Editor please.
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maninwhitecoat65 months
aka Buster Scruggs
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GetCocky1165 months
If that was Dabo trying to "throw shade", then he isn't very good at it.
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CNB65 months
This is throwing shade? He’s not wrong but it’s not like he’s insulting anyone either
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ClemsonRules65 months
That’s a good line...
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SD Tider65 months
“Threw some shade” is one of my top ten most hated pop slang phrases
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ISEN_AG65 months
Saban needs to clap back at Dabo
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Icoachfb65 months
Georgia Tech not Wake. If you are going to write a story get the facts straight.
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jnethe165 months
Lmao, the acc is obviously such a powerhouse right....
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MykTide65 months
He's right. Bama blew out all those other teams.
user avatar
Arkansas was a tougher opponent. LSU was a tougher opponent. A&M was a tougher opponent. Going by the scoreboard alone is foolish and provincial.
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