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robably a L considering it's on the road.

I'm at the point where I've stopped considering locations for our chances
We'll try, but it'll lead to a turnover

re: Has anyone here donated plasma?

Posted by CNB on 2/8/25 at 11:22 pm
Did a long time ago during a rough patch.

Got 50 bucks a visit for my first so many visits. Stopped going once the payout lowered. You waited forever with some...questionable people.

Heard that rare blood types paid more, which is where that $800 figure likely comes from.

re: How the hell did LSU lose that?

Posted by CNB on 2/8/25 at 10:10 pm
13-0 run for Ole Miss

re: Saturday SEC Basketball

Posted by CNB on 2/8/25 at 9:47 pm
That's off the rim

OM wins on a 13-0 run

re: Why Does the SEC Want LSU to Win This?

Posted by CNB on 2/8/25 at 9:44 pm
11-0 run for OM

I assume the excuses will stop if the Rebs pull it out

1-8 in the SEC

Haha how terrible

re: 2024-25 Gamecock Basketball

Posted by CNB on 2/8/25 at 4:48 pm
:lol: just busting chops

re: 2024-25 Gamecock Basketball

Posted by CNB on 2/8/25 at 3:58 pm
That’s not very positive of you

You are not season ticket

You got him there
Y'all may not like it, but he's right.

re: SEC Trade Wire

Posted by CNB on 2/7/25 at 11:19 pm
Or banged his daughter

2024 SEC Roll Call Recap with zero context

Posted by CNB on 2/7/25 at 11:03 pm

Just buzzed enough for this. 8.4/10
Someone reset the "Days since" counter

re: UT-UCONN women’s hoops

Posted by CNB on 2/7/25 at 9:05 pm
I ain't gonna lie I've been trying to figure that out too :lol:

Something with the Olympics, I guess?