Dan Wolken's weekly "Misery Index" rankings came out on Sunday. With the USA Today writer saying that head coach Bryan Harsin has turned Auburn into "a bad and boring football team..
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Between TheHedges24 months
LSU will be there soon once Grindin Brian flops
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Between TheHedges24 months
Water is wet
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jcolding4124 months
Why link a pay wall article if you’re not going to quote it??
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LSU FSU Grad24 months
Hmmm, most miserable fanbase? Obviously Dan Wolken is not aware of the Rant.
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RandySavage24 months
The misery was much worse under Gus, Harsin just continued the slide and now its mostly indifference. Hopefully the next coach can change that.
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cajunmud24 months
Just keep it like that for another couple of weeks.
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TMRebel24 months
frick Dan Wolken
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Northshoretiger8724 months
Wouldve voted Florida.
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JackieTreehorn24 months
Gus is laughing his tits off.
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ThatTahoeOverThere24 months
Gus is break dancing his arse off
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BrotherDawg8424 months
I hate it for Auburn. They've always been such a classy bunch.
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slacker13024 months
He's not wrong, but also he loathes Auburn and generally, is a huge dumbass.
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Placekicker24 months
He’s right, you know
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