Alabama can't seem to find a team to play for their 12th game in 2015. Apparently, they're having a hard time filling the spot and Alabama athletic director Bill Battle said they’ll play “anybody.”
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Any suggestions?
Filed Under: SEC Football
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QStix124 months
Well...they are desparate to play and hopefully will make a great team very soon.
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Pedro124 months
ULM would be glad to embarrass them again
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tigerbite2124 months
Well, seems to me they need another quality team to round out their usually rough and tumble non-sec format..something like a home and home with Alabama A&M, or maybe hop over a couple of states to Prairie View...actually a re-match with Georgia State would most certainly get the offense a ton of yards and pad the stats....
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TigerNSac124 months
Yes, Saban chickened out to play Michigan State in the 'home and home' series in the forthcoming years that was once agreed upon between the two schools. He knows that MSU would kick their butts in East Lansing, MI. The Spartans will have a 'home and home' series with the Oregon Ducks this year and next year.

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PsychTiger124 months
We should put together a team just for the payday.
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Adam4848124 months
Brb scheduling Kentucky
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Big Sway124 months
Why not Stanford?
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HandGrenade124 months
Rematch anyone?
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vuvuzela124 months
To be the best you've got to beat the best. Roll Tide.
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Lithium124 months
Anyone nobody has ever heard of
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Lsu101205124 months
Might as well let them have a second chance at LSU again...
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FAF124 months
"Anybody" as in anyone that doesn't stand a chance at beating them..

Oklahoma, FSU, Michigan State, Stanford, UL-Monroe, etc.. need not apply.
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kbol34124 months
Lafayette High
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Buttermilk Pancakes124 months
Anyone but Michigan State
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dhuck20124 months
ND said they cool
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