Mississippi State softball player Brylie St. Clair got into the Halloween spirit this past weekend...

target practicing

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Drizzt10 months
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SECdragonmaster11 months
We’re the photos taken from a drone? Why are they from 30 feet away??
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FournetteForEver711 months
Ol skenes girl need to take notes
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Bayou Warrior 6411 months
Good lawd! What a body.
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TigerCoon11 months
she's trolling us with that makeup
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Homesick Tiger11 months
Uh Larry,Cupid was a boy. Am I missing something here?
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CDawson10 months
No, didn't you realize you can be a boy today, girl tomorrow or whatever you decide? I read that somewhere...
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chRxis11 months
bruh, she fine
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PBD4BAMA11 months
Grow some tits and then we will talk.
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Crimson1st11 months
You need to cultivate some heterosexuality on your end as well.
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cajunmud11 months
Love dem legs and dat azz.
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burreauxxx11 months
Her kids will rip her cooter to tooter with those hips
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cajunmud11 months
There's always C-section...keep that thang like it was always meant to be.
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CallmeSteveo11 months
Can’t wait till she’s a softball influencer so she’ll have a set of tits
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Redbone11 months
I'm just picturing no under garment under that dress. brb.
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FlyinTiger9311 months
Proof there is absolutely nothing to do in Starkville. Let's take our photoshoot in a parking garage.
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theBru11 months
Starkville has a parking garage?
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TigerOnThe Hill11 months
"Let's take our photoshoot in a parking garage."
HaHa! I thought the same thing. It looks like she took the pics from the roof of a parking garage.
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JackieTreehorn11 months
The night of whores is upon us.
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grizzlylongcut11 months
So hot. Want to touch the hiney.
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tirebiter11 months
She has a great bottom half.
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Skinny11 months
Cuuupid, draw back your bow and let your arrow go. Straight to my lovers heart. For me, for me.
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WhoDatNC11 months
No need for a chest protector when playing her softball games.
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Jwils11 months
It protects the heart, not the tits
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LSU FSU Grad11 months
Mmmmmm! But for the lack of chest and the heavy makeup...
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kkv7511 months
Just another Insta-ho
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Amazing Moves11 months
I love slutoween!
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cajunmud11 months
Yep...Halloween & New Year's Eve...if you ain't gettin ain't tryin.
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