As Mississippi State headed in for the locker room down five points to No. 1 Georgia at halftime on Saturday, ESPN's Molly McGrath caught up with Bulldogs coach Mike Leach to ask him his reaction to some of the calls that went against State in the first two quarters. Here was his response...
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(The Spun)
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Arkapigdiesel22 months
I heart the damn hell outta Leach.
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Breauxsif22 months
The Pirate is so awesome!!
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TDFreak22 months
National treasure
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tigerinthebueche22 months
Comedy gold, Jerry!!
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Timeoday22 months
He said exactly the right thing. Very lawyerly.
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jvilardo22 months
He reminds me of Skip.
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FLObserver22 months
Shes just doing her job. What an asshat Leach is.
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udtiger22 months
He answered her question in a way that won't get him fined
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TheWalrus22 months
It was his way of implying the refs were trash, which they were
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TigerFanatic9922 months
He's inviting her to say what he can't say as a coach.
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mpwilging22 months
It was priceless. At first I thought he was a bit rude, but he really wasn't. Thought the officiating was terrible but mostly asked her what she thought...
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